Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Die Triumphale Elektrizität: Die Illustren von Pavel Kornev

Die Triumphale Elektrizität
Die Illustren
von Pavel Kornev

Release 29. April 2021

Pre-order on Amazon -



IST ES WAHR, dass alle Lebewesen, denen es bestimmt ist zu kriechen, nicht fliegen können? In der Tat!

Menschen sind nun einmal nicht dazu geschaffen, zu fliegen, weshalb jeder Versuch dazu verdammt war, in einem Absturz zu enden. Man nehme nur das Beispiel der Gefallenen


Ich öffnete die Augen. Ich kniff sie sofort wieder zu, aber es war zu spät. Als ich sie erneut öffnete, erhaschte ich einen Blick auf den grauen, rauchverhangenen Himmel, der sich wirbelnd über mir drehte und die Illusion erzeugte, ich läge auf einem Rettungsfloß inmitten eines riesigen Strudels. Der bloße Gedanke, aufstehen zu müssen, war schon schmerzhaft, also blieb ich, wo ich war, feige ausgestreckt auf dem Müllhaufen, der meinen Sturz abgefangen hatte.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Galaktogon: Das Spiel beginnt von Vasily Mahanenko

Galaktogon, Buch 1
Das Spiel beginnt
von Vasily Mahanenko


Release - 11. Mai 2021

Pre-order on Amazon -

„NA, WAS SAGT IHR, NERPS – sollen wir uns mit einem großen Knall verabschieden? Wer hat was?“, fragte unser Gildenanführer fröhlich und brachte, ohne eine Antwort abzuwarten, seine Schriftrolle des Vernichtenden Nebels zum Einsatz. Sofort senkte sich eine aschgraue Wolke auf den riesigen Wald, der mit seinen seltenen Kreaturen und Pflanzen das ganze Ausmaß unseres Reiches im Spiel verkörpert hatte. Wenn ich mich recht erinnerte, würde nun innerhalb einer Stunde nichts mehr von all dem übrig sein – abgesehen von verbranntem Ödland, das selbst die Mobs meiden würden. Während der Fluch des Gildenanführers sein Werk tat, wurde der nahegelegene kaiserliche Palast zum Zielobjekt für jeden einzelnen der seltenen und mächtigen Flüche, die sich in den Schatztruhen unserer Gilde angesammelt hatten. Tatsächlich waren einige dieser Flüche mehr als nur selten – sie waren legendär, einzigartig. Allerdings ist ein Fluch wie der Schwarze Tod, der unmittelbar eine ganze Stadt verwüstet, nicht gerade für die öffentliche Verbreitung geeignet. Der Schwarze Tod nimmt keine Rücksicht auf die Bevölkerungszahl, das heißt: Es spielt keine Rolle, ob er auf eine Hütte mit zwei Personen oder auf eine Millionenstadt angewendet wird – alles stirbt.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Phantom-Server: Jenseits der Realität von Andrei Livadny

Phantom-Server, Buch 1:
Jenseits der Realität 
von Andrei Livadny

Release - 19. April 2021
Bei Amazon vorbestellen -

Kapitel 1




Ich saß krumm in einem Stuhl, der alles andere als ergonomisch war.

Giftige Industrienebel verstärkten die Reflexionen in meinem Atelierfenster. Die grüne Anzeige der Luftschleuse leuchtete beruhigend: alles dicht.

Willkommen in der Technosphäre. Anders als im Cyberraum könnte hier jedes Versagen zu einer mittleren bis großen Katastrophe führen. Zauber und Vorteile? Fehlanzeige!

Ich brauchte ein paar Minuten, um wieder in die echte Welt zurückzufinden. Seit sechs Monaten diente der VR-Pod mit seinen Massagerollen und den Lebenserhaltungsmodulen nur noch als Wäschekorb. Das hatte seinen Grund.

Damals hatte ich mich entschlossen, die relative Sicherheit des Pods gegen eine unbekannte Erfahrung einzutauschen. Was für eine Veränderung! Keine mittelmäßigen Hologrammdarstellungen des Cyberspace mehr! Keine Stoßmembranen, die mir in die Rippen pikten. Jetzt hatte ich die virtuelle Welt immer dabei. Das Geheimnis war ein kleines Implantat, das wie ein altmodisches Hörgerät hinter meinem Ohr befestigt war. Millionen von Nanonadeln stachen an der Schläfe und Wange in meine Haut.

Alpha Rome: Volper by Ros Per

Alpha Rome, book 1:
by Ros Per

Release - April 12, 2021

Chapter One. This is Just the Beginning.



The capsule lid closed shut with a soft hiss, cutting off connection to the outside world.

That was it. There was no going back. I meticulously mulled everything over and ran through various scenarios in my head. There was no other option. The only thing left to do was to go forward into the unknown, where I would have no chance of returning to my previous life.

A dense fog enveloped me. I was suspended in it, unable to feel the weight of my own body. Far away, right at the very edge of my consciousness, a light started to emerge. It was microscopic at first, but then it began to grow with every second until it was literally filling my entire mind in a flash.

“Welcome to Alpha Rome,” a voice announced in my head. “Commencing capsule data retrieval... Data retrieval complete. Medical Capsule ANV-734685-EK3573, no disconnect mode... Error! Consulting server administration... Additional contract received... Excerpt from contract: Vladimir Ignatenko has signed a contract with the Administrators of the Alpha Rome Project agreeing to everlasting residence within the servers belonging to the Administrators and the lifting of the 19-hour-virtual-reality-play-time limit that has been implemented in accordance with the Ministry of Health Protection Act № 17554.  This contract is based on a medical report for Vladimir Ignatenko, which outlines a critical health condition connected to Mr. Ignatenko’s advanced age. To gain access to permanent residence within the Alpha Rome Project servers, Mr. Ignatenko agrees to the cancellation of his ability to exchange in-game earnings for real-life currency and accrue in-game bonuses for real-life currency, as well as to paying for access to the game for the next twenty years. Is this information correct?”

Friday, December 11, 2020

The Rebel (Project Stellar-4) by Roman Prokofiev

The Rebel
Project Stellar-4
by Roman Prokofiev

Release - May 10, 2021

Pre-order on Amazon -

“WE’VE ARRIVED,” Arachne said.

The jagged black cliffs outlining the Sanctuary of Spirits – one of the most dangerous A-zones – towered overhead. From what Alice had heard, it used to be an ancient underground fortress owned by some unknown Incarnators which was later consumed by a powerful Outbreak the consequences of which still lingered.

Alice sniffed the air, her shapeshifter instincts on edge. The monotonous pulsation of A-radiation, the sounds, the smells and her own gut feeling all screamed: get out of here now!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

In the System-2: City of the Undead by Petr Zhgulyov

In the System, Book II

City of the Undead

by Petr Zhgulyov



Pre-order on Amazon -

Release -  April 12, 2021 




Chapter 1. The Trojan Horse



The victory, oddly enough, now put our Alliance at risk. The huge number of wounded bound us hand and foot. We couldn't leave them, as it would be a terrible blow to morale, and we couldn't drag them along with us. Even if yesterday's city folk agreed to carry all those not long for this world on their backs, it would be pointless. Thus weighed down, it would only be a matter of time before the goblins caught up to us. As soon as the flush of victory subsided, everyone else would become aware of the situation. What would they do? It was a rhetorical question.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Der Inkarnator (Projekt Stellar-1) von Roman Prokofiev

Der Inkarnator 

»Projekt Stellar«-Buch 1

von Roman Prokofiev

Release - 21. Januar 2021

Pre-order -





Starke Azur-Strahlungsquelle entdeckt

Absorption initiiert: 1/1000

Aktivierung Nr. 30765

Inkarnation unmöglich

Der Wirt ist infiziert. Regeneration unmöglich. Die Energiequelle wurde irreparabel beschädigt.

Suche nach neuem Wirt eingeleitet …


LICHT. Das war das Erste, was ich sah. Ein schwaches Licht aus einem Riss, der einmal längs über die Wand verlief. Wo war ich?

Der Raum war seltsam. Er ähnelte dem Inneren eines riesigen Eis, dessen gewölbte schwarze Decke mit einem komplexen, netzartigen blassblauen Muster bedeckt war. Mehrere hohe Objekte versanken weiter unten tief im Boden und erweckten den Anschein, sie wären lebendig und dort verwurzelt. Auch sie waren mit demselben blassblauen Muster überzogen, das sich wie Efeu um sie herumrankte.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Der Okkultist von Oliver Mayes

Saga Online-1
Der Okkultist
von Oliver Mayes

Das Buch wird am 12. November veröffentlicht

Ein Charakter wird erstellt

Damien trat aus der einst von Kultisten heimgesuchten Höhle, nur um festzustellen, dass sein Schicksal besiegelt war. Durch eine Lücke zwischen den Bäumen konnte er sehen, wie die Sonne langsam hinter den weit entfernten Bergspitzen verschwand. Falls es ihm nicht gelingen würde, Concoret vor Einbruch der Dunkelheit zu warnen, würde es verheerende Folgen haben.

Er setzte seinen Rucksack auf und rannte auf den Wald zu. Das dumpfe Dröhnen seiner Plattenstiefel betonte die ansonsten unheimliche Stille. Er hatte seine Quest abgeschlossen, eines der vielen Kultisten-Verstecke in der Region gefunden und ihre Anzahl dezimiert. Doch unter den Habseligkeiten der Gefallenen hatte er ein Sendschreiben gefunden. Es handelte sich um die Befehle ihres Dunklen Meisters, den nahegelegenen Ort zu infiltrieren und die Seelen der Unschuldigen zu sammeln, während sie schliefen.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

League of Losers-2 by Michael Atamanov

League of Losers-2
by Michael Atamanov
In Service of the Pharaoh

Pre-order on Amazon
Release - December 3, 2020

Chapter One. Invisible Swordmaiden


The Abandoned Veich Village of Ori-Tavi

Sherkh Outpost, Guild Eastern Garrison

Clan Leader’s Tent



“They’re gone?”

Avelia Un Ponar, respectfully down on one knee before her leader, nodded silently. Yes, the group of thirty humans from the river village really had gone beyond the barrier. And the Swordmaiden had no doubt that her all-knowing guild leader, level 78 Shadow Master Al’tair Un Ponar, already knew the answer to his question. The leader’s next words confirmed it.

“What was that chaos at the forcefield? Why did you interfere in human affairs?”

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Range: The Keepers of Limbo by Yuri Ulengov

The Range, book 1
The Keeper of  Limbo
by Yuri Ulengov

Pre-order on Amazon
Release - December 14, 2020

Chapter 1

Earth Federation, Orion System. Rhapsody, Sector 3 of the Gray Zone—conditionally safe zone of the Range. Drop-off zone.

The rescue pod hit the ground so hard that for a moment I lost consciousness and my guts nearly jumped out of my throat. Hey, at least I wasn’t blown to pieces. I could have been. If the engine turned off ten seconds earlier, I would be dead meat by now.
Technically, the brake engine should be running until the landing is completed. Technically, the pod should have been scrapped long ago. And it was—with me in it. The mechanics responsible for the drop-off don’t give a shit about the passenger’s wellbeing, and wasting fuel to ensure a soft landing for someone like me…? As one of my cynical friends would say, “Forget about it!”
After hitting the ground, the pod jumped up and bounced from rock to rock like a frog. The safety system, of course, had been shut off. Dangling from the belts (thank God they hadn’t been removed!), I clenched my teeth, trying not to bite off my tongue, and prayed for only one thing: that the next hit wouldn’t be fatal. Whether my prayers were heard or whether I just got lucky—I’m not sure but I survived. The pod, deformed and twisted into a smashed can, finally stopped. Wasting no time, I began to untangle myself from the belts. In theory, there was nothing in the pod that could explode but there were other dangers beyond just fire.
“Welcome to the Range!” an AR greeting flashed before my eyes.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Außenseiter von Alexey Osadchuk

Buch 1
Die Dungeons der Krummberge

Release - 23. Dezember 2020
Pre-order on Amazon -

Kapitel 1

„VORARBEITER AREN – es ist ein Junge!“
Der Leiter einer der wohlhabendsten Minenarbeiter-Teams in Orchus, Vorarbeiter Aren, schaute tief in die traurigen Augen der Frau, die seine Frau bei der Entbindung unterstützt hatte, und war verblüfft. Welchen Grund konnte es wohl geben, ihm eine solch freudige Nachricht mit einem so düsteren Gesichtsausdruck zu übermitteln? Doch wenige Augenblicke später kannte er den Grund. Das Kind war geboren worden, doch es gab keinen Laut von sich.
„Ist er tot?”
Aren war ein Mann, der in seinem Leben schon viel gesehen hatte, doch diese Worte kamen ihm nicht leicht von den Lippen.
„Er ist am Leben“, erwiderte die Heilerin düster. Rasch fügte sie leise, fast in einem Flüstern hinzu:
„Aber es wäre besser, er wäre es nicht …“
Aren kniff erbost die Augen zusammen und trat einen Schritt vor. Wenn Blicke verbrennen könnte, hätte er selbst den Haufen Asche noch eingeäschert, der von der Heilerin übriggeblieben wäre. Ruhig ertrug Dalia den hasserfüllten Blick des Minenarbeiters und bemerkte:
„Doch es gibt auch gute Nachrichten. Deine Frau hat die Geburt hervorragend überstanden.“
Das erstickte das aufflackernde Feuer des Zorns in der Seele des frischgebackenen Vaters. Mit einer gewissen Anstrengung riss er sich zusammen und setzte seine Befragung fort. Diese Frau war die einzige Heilerin ihres Levels in der gesamten Region. Vor allem aber war es ein bemerkenswerter Glücksfall, dass sie sich überhaupt noch in Orchus aufhielt. Eigentlich war sie schon vor geraumer Zeit in die Hauptstadt abberufen worden. Nur kam die Regenzeit dazwischen, die eine Woche vor dem erwarteten Termin einsetzte. Jetzt war der Schläfrige Pass geschlossen und würde das auch noch für mindestens weitere zwei Monate bleiben. Nur ein Verrückter würde in einer solchen Zeit eine Reise durch die Berge in Erwägung ziehen. Und Aren und seine Frau hatten Glück – Dalia war ausgesprochen vernünftig.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Young-adult LitRPG collection

Dear all! Here is our Young-Adult LitRPG collection. One of the topmost genres of the XXI century and it’s not naïve as one might think. Collisions in YA books can be deadly serious. However, the point of view of a teenager – a typical hero of YA – can reveal them from a completely new angle. Adults often forget what it is like – to be a teenager and percept the world with fresh and uninfluenced eyes. All three series are a brilliant example of the genre. Recommended!

Disgardium by Dan Sugralinov

The year is 2074. Alex is a fifteen-year-old student dreaming of a career as a space guide. He eats, sleeps and breathes stars - but life has other plans. That’s how Disgardium, a new online game, becomes his only means of reaching his goal. Alex is lucky enough to achieve what amounts to God mode complete with absolute immunity – but that’s only one side of the coin… As an imba player, he becomes a “global threat” - one of the few fellow wayward players whom the game company views as a danger to itself, paying a lot of money to the so-called prevention clans for their elimination…

The Alchemist by Vasily Mahanenko

There are whole anthologies of stories out there about what humankind does when a game enters their world. But what about when they’re living in one where a game arrived thousands of years before? What if they’re the survivors of a bloody struggle, having fought for and earned their place on the planet? Tailyn Vlashich was a young nobody far away from all those grander issues. All he cared about was one thing: making his way through a harsh world where the emperor, evil foes, and an impartial god held sway. And the god, of course, demanded nothing less than that all things were done in accordance with its divine will.

Underdog by Alexey Osadchuk

Eric was born in a world governed by the Great System, in the family of Aren Bergman, a respected miner from Orchus. But the joy of gaining a son was overshadowed by the newborn’s terrible affliction. Eric was completely nulled – level zero and no characteristics points. The only things keeping him from dying were his tiny base supplies of “life” and “energy.”

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones-4 by Dem Mikhailov

Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones
Book 4
by Dem Mikhailov

Release - October 29, 2020

Chapter One
The Guild of Mages. A Global Shakeup. Peace Today, War Tomorrow!
The magical teleport’s soft flash brought me right to the main thoroughfare of Algora. It was after sunset; the streets were lit with golden lights, and I stood like a rock in the middle of an unhurried stream of locals and players. You could see someone with ants in their pants every now and then, running through the crowd, but they were few and far between. The City Guard could look at a lot of things through their fingers, but running through the central streets and parks late at night was a definite no-no—nothing should interfere with the residents’ and guests’ of Algora’s enjoyment of their evening walk through the city.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Project Stellar-3: The Tribute by Roman Prokofiev

Project Stellar-3: 

The Tribute

by Roman Prokofiev

Release - December 10, 2020
Pre-order on Amazon -


“YOUR STORY SOUNDS suspect to say the least, Tribute!”
The Legionnaire locked his gaze with mine in a well-practiced show of mistrust. Once again his eye implant glinted an evil red light, enveloping me in a mesh of scanning beams. The tattoo over my eyebrow began to ache, reacting to the ID process.
I held his gaze and shrugged. I’d told them everything I knew three times already: first to the patrol leader, then to the commander of the guard, and finally to this hulk of a man sporting a full centurion star on his shoulder protector.
Okay, so I’d come round in the A-zone experiencing symptoms of memory loss. I’d barely managed to escape the nuked city via the underground utility tunnels, after which I’d met Tara and followed her to Fort Angelo where I’d been entrusted with the mission to contact the City. After which, I’d gone out of my way to complete it. All of it was the pure unadulterated truth, with the omission of one tiny little detail. The problem was, a lot of the fort’s defenders who could corroborate my story had either been killed in action, were wounded, or missing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

LitRPG classics collection

The following series are classics of LitRPG in Russia. But they made a few fans on the western market as well. If you consider yourself an avid reader of the genre, you've probably read them. But if you're a newbie, try some of the first books ever written in the genre:

Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones by Dem Mikhailov

This is actually one of the very first LitRPG series in the world. The first book was written in 2012. It was published in English as The Way of the Clan series (World of Valdira) but recently we’ve re-translated and re-published it. In this series the events in the virtual world and the events in the real world mesh closely together as the plot thickens and becomes more and more dynamic from one book to another. The series has thousands of diehard fans in Russia! Now in English — for every true fan of the genre!

The Way of the Shaman by Vasily Mahanenko

Barliona is a brand-new virtual world which offers everyone the chance to start a new life as a valiant knight, a hero or a beautiful princess. Many people have come here in search of a new identity. Still, for some users Barliona has become their biggest nightmare. They are convicts sentenced to serving their term in virtual reality with their sensory filters disabled. They can feel everything that happens to their character whether it’s pleasure or pain, strain or fatigue. For them, the difference between the real and virtual worlds is so slim that some of the inmates lose all sense of reality.

Mirror World by Alexey Osadchuk

The story unfolds in the near future where humanity is completely consumed by the opportunity to earn its living logging in to Mirror World: a full immersion MMORPG game developed by Reflex International, Ltd. Here, paid account users enjoy full freedom in their new virtual home, sampling a vast range of colors, smells and even tastes, indulging in their ability to fly or experiencing pain from combat wounds. They’re offered an unlimited choice of races and territories, allowing them to go on mysterious quests and missions. In Mirror World, anyone can become a warrior or a wizard, a street vendor or alchemist - provided they can afford it. They can build a castle on a cliff or start a small farm near a calm cozy town - if they’re prepared to pay, that is. But if you can’t pay, you can always take out a bank loan to purchase one of the game’s “daily grind” plans. Which is exactly what Oleg does when he finds out his six-year-old daughter requires urgent heart surgery.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Zum Aussterben verdammt von James D. Prescott

Zum Aussterben verdammt
Der Code
von James D. Prescott

Release - 26. November 2020
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Kapitel 1

Die Halbinsel Yukatan – 8 Kilometer vor der mexikanischen Küste
Der wissenschaftliche Leiter Dr. Jack Greer beobachtete das Herannahen der Helikopter durch sein leistungsfähiges Fernglas. Es war früh am Morgen und er stand auf dem oberen Deck der zweckentfremdeten Ölbohrplattform. Um seine Wangen strich eine warme Golfbrise. Tief atmete er die salzige Luft ein und spürte, wie sein Pulsschlag sich beschleunigte.
Ein Geophysiker Anfang 40, war Jack mit dichten, dunklen, welligen Haaren gesegnet – oder man könnte auch sagen verflucht. Zur Empörung seiner Mutter versteckte er sie oft unter einer schäbigen alten Baseball-Kappe der Houston Astros.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Space LitRPG Collection

Looking for Space LitRPG? Can’t find a crunchy book with aliens, lasers, space battles? We have plenty! I’m happy to present you our Space LitRPG collection:


The virtual world of Galactogon is humanity’s latest achievement. The game’s space settings attract scores of new players with their promise of everything we could only dream of before: the captain’s place on a starship bridge, the cockpit of an assault shuttle or the controls of an exoskeleton suit. The game caters to all tastes while remaining true to itself: whenever you think it has no secrets left for you to unravel, Galactogon would throw another curve, offering you new quests, new friends and new enemies.


Unbeknown to the majority of the Earth’s inhabitants, humanity has been taking part in a game brought to our planet by a highly developed and powerful Geckho civilization. Participating in it can reap considerable rewards as the technologies learned can positively affect both science and everyday life, advancing them decades. Which is why the participant countries aren’t in a hurry to share their discoveries, preferring to act on their own. The game’s events affect the real world - which is why humanity’s potential defeat might have some disastrous consequences for our planet.


The human race has got access to an ancient alien technology, allowing us to build neural implants which offer gamers unprecedented levels of authenticity. Following their mass implementation, the users’ minds become unable to tell the real world from virtual reality. While promising incredible adventures to their customers, gaming corporations have no idea that the implants’ original purpose was entirely different from what humanity is using them for. The mysterious alien civilization - the Founders - becomes synonymous with a new technological revolution promising to transform the face of planet Earth.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

League of Losers: A Cat and His Human is released!

League of Losers
A Cat and His Human
by Michael Atamanov

Today I give you A Cat and His Human, the first book of my new series League of Losers.
This is an unusual book for me: there are no space ships and battles, no heavy blasters and orbital bombing. But there’s a new world to inhabit – dangerous terra incognita which is a little bit like good old Earth in dinosaur times. There’re settlers coming to this world with their own destinies, not necessarily humans. And there’s the MC or – to be fair – even two MCs. The second one: small, with a tiny tail, sharp-clawed paws and fluffy ears – will, without a doubt, warm the hearts of the readers. And though the big fellow looks at the kitten as a pet, it’s not obvious who’s really in charge. The cat looks at what’s happening with them from his own perspective and his opinion of the big fellow and his behavior is far from being approving or admiring. The story is told from two points of view, so the reader can look at it from different angles and get the whole picture.
This new world is a severe place, and the big fellow won’t make it without the kitten. Besides there are no unified rules here, no laws and dogmas, everyone can become anything. And it’s not just words, you can literally become anything. Wanna grow wings or gills so you can breathe underwater? Get imperceptible or vice versa – find the invisible? Use magic or regenerate limbs lost in battles? You can do all those things in this world of many opportunities if you have enough mutation points, characteristics and skills for it.
Love and betrayal, new races humankind never encountered with before, exploration of new lands, countless dangers and monsters. That’s what awaits the reader of my new novel. Read and enjoy!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Free LitRPG/GameLit books for our newsletter subscribers every month!

Dear readers! We are pleased to announce our new campaign. We will monthly send you two free LitRPG books via e-mail in the Kindle format (mobi). Books will be sent on the last day of each month. Do not miss the opportunity to start your LitRPG collection -

LitRPG is a subgenre of science fiction and fantasy which describes the hero's adventures within an online computer game. LitRPG books merge traditional book-style narration with elements of a gaming experience, describing various quests, achievements and other events typical of a video game. The defining feature that sets LitRPG fiction apart from traditional portal fantasy is its use of interactive gaming language, such as the inclusion of various system messages, players' stats, items' characteristics and other elements appreciated by gamers. The narration in a LitRPG novel has to abide by the rules of a game while filling it with conflict and drama as the hero tries to survive in this new environment. This "book meets game" experience proved to be exactly what many gamers-turned-readers were looking for in a novel.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Reality Benders-6 is released!

Reality Benders by Michael Atamanov

Book 6 is released:

To be on a starship that’s just sustained serious damage in a space battle including losing its thrusters and find yourself in a totally different galaxy... You might think that would be cause for panic or, at the very least, despondency, right? Not at all! Gnat maintains optimism, gradually gets his space frigate back in working order and even finds upsides to what happened.

On top of that, there's never a dull moment – both in the virtual game and the real world Gnat finds himself at the very epicenter of the great space-faring races’ interests, though he does not understand why they’re paying him such close attention. And add to that the fact that humanity's Geckho suzerains are also in a tight spot and demanding all their vassals institute a military draft then send their assembled forces out to fight a distant space war.

Will Gnat be able to play his part in this complicated diplomatic party with the future of the entire human race at stake? Find out in Book Six of Reality Benders!

Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones-3 by Dem Mikhailov

Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones-3
by Dem Mikhailov

Release - July 16, 2020
Pre-order on Amazon -

Chapter One.

The mountain met me with darkness, emptiness, and silence. Just the way I liked it.
There were doors slammed shut behind my back, and the black maw of the abyss in front of me.
There was brittle icy slush underneath my feet, remaining from the shard of ice that had carried me through the skies.
The main thing, though was on my right—a staircase carved in stone, leading to the foothills of the mountain. The most important thing—what I’d needed the most—was a relatively straight way towards a place where I could rest.