Dear all! Here is our Young-Adult LitRPG collection. One of the topmost genres of the XXI century and it’s not naïve as one might think. Collisions in YA books can be deadly serious. However, the point of view of a teenager – a typical hero of YA – can reveal them from a completely new angle. Adults often forget what it is like – to be a teenager and percept the world with fresh and uninfluenced eyes. All three series are a brilliant example of the genre. Recommended!
Disgardium by Dan Sugralinov
The year is 2074. Alex is a fifteen-year-old student dreaming of a career as a space guide. He eats, sleeps and breathes stars - but life has other plans. That’s how Disgardium, a new online game, becomes his only means of reaching his goal. Alex is lucky enough to achieve what amounts to God mode complete with absolute immunity – but that’s only one side of the coin… As an imba player, he becomes a “global threat” - one of the few fellow wayward players whom the game company views as a danger to itself, paying a lot of money to the so-called prevention clans for their elimination…
The Alchemist by Vasily Mahanenko
There are whole anthologies of stories out there about what humankind does when a game enters their world. But what about when they’re living in one where a game arrived thousands of years before? What if they’re the survivors of a bloody struggle, having fought for and earned their place on the planet? Tailyn Vlashich was a young nobody far away from all those grander issues. All he cared about was one thing: making his way through a harsh world where the emperor, evil foes, and an impartial god held sway. And the god, of course, demanded nothing less than that all things were done in accordance with its divine will.
Underdog by Alexey Osadchuk
Eric was born in a world governed by the Great System, in the family of Aren Bergman, a respected miner from Orchus. But the joy of gaining a son was overshadowed by the newborn’s terrible affliction. Eric was completely nulled – level zero and no characteristics points. The only things keeping him from dying were his tiny base supplies of “life” and “energy.”