Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Dark Herbalist, Book 2: Stay on the Wing

The Dark Herbalist: Stay on the Wing
by Michael Atamanov

release - June 2, 2017

The Tail-End of a Long Story

 "AMRA, ADMIT IT. At the end of the day, all our searching has turned up nothing. There’s no trace of them!" said the morbidly thin wood nymph in a light frock sitting on a fallen tree and yawning wide, demonstrating a set of sharp predatory teeth.
My sister hadn't gotten any sleep all night and was clearly beside herself. And the only reason she was up at this ungodly hour was me, not the light and not the dawn. Valeria had expressed her disapproval in sharp terms and refused to enter the game for some time. But the risk that some of the many killers after me might show up near the Cursed House was absolutely real, so in the end, Val apologized and agreed to come play with the rest of our group.

Monday, May 22, 2017

LitRPG forum

Hey, guys!

Have you been to the biggest LitRPG forum in the internet yet? No? C'mon, seriously? You're missing so much great stuff! Just stop doing everything you've been doing and check it out!