Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Interworld Network: The Time Master by Dmitry Bilik

Interworld Network, Book 1
The Time Master
by Dmitry Bilik

Release - July 18, 2019

Chapter 1

My least favorite things in the world were chicken liver, heartburn, and helping people. No, my parents hadn’t spawned a scoundrel. Its just that Id rather help someone because I want to, not because Im pressured to.
Sergei, hes probably gone to the foundation pit,” my neighbors words added boiling oil to the cup of my already-heated patience.
Masha was only three years older than me, but somehow I ended up addressing her like I was a kid and she was an adult, while she graciously talked to me as though we were equals. On top of that, at age 28 she had two kids, a docile husband, and her own apartment, no matter that it was off the beaten path. In contrast, besides nine pairs of oddly colored socks, I owned nothing in particular.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Disgardium by Dan Sugralinov

Disgardium, book 1
Class-A Threat
by Dan Sugralinov

Wait up! What do you mean, your character’s been cursed? Rotting alive? You’re joking, right? Having said that… could this be the proverbial once-in-a-lifetime chance? Oh… And now that the game’s AI has reclassified me as a potential global threat, it can only mean one thing: we’re not finished yet!

The year is 2074. Alex is a fifteen-year-old student dreaming of a career as a space guide. He  eats, sleeps and breathes stars - but life has other plans. That’s how Disgardium, a new online game, becomes his only means of reaching his goal.

Alex is lucky enough to achieve what amounts to God mode complete with absolute immunity – but that’s only one side of the coin. As an imba player, he becomes a “global threat” - one of the few fellow wayward players whom the game company views as a danger to itself, paying a lot of money to the so-called prevention clans for their elimination.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Nächstes Level: Held von Dan Sugralinov

Nächstes Level Buch 2
von Dan Sugralinov

Vorbestellung: Amazon
Veröffentlichung am 4. Juni 2019


Was für ein schrecklicher Traum! Überall Einsen und Nullen … Und ich dachte, ich sähe eine Zwei …


„OKAY, ICH WERDE es anders formulieren. Wie hast du sie umgebracht?“
„Da war dieser kleine Junge … er ist erstickt. Es ist einfach passiert! Und dann war da ein Mädchen … sie ist ebenfalls gestorben … verblutet …“
Der Knall eines Pistolenschusses macht mich beinahe taub. Die Kugel wirft den korrupten Regierungsbeamten zu Boden. In meinen Ohren summt es laut. Nur schwach höre ich Vickys Fluchen. Sie wirft die Pistole von sich.
„Mistkerl, Mistkerl, Mistkerl! Oh, wie ich sie alle hasse!“
Gleb Grechkin, eine bekannte Gestalt in der Kulturabteilung des Rathauses, windet sich auf dem Boden. Offensichtlich hat er es nicht sehr eilig abzukratzen. Seine Wunde ist nicht lebensgefährlich und seine Vitalität befindet sich noch immer im grünen Bereich, obwohl der Debuff durch die Blutung ihre Wirkung entfaltet und den Kinderschänder seiner Gesundheit beraubt.