Wednesday, July 22, 2020

LitRPG classics collection

The following series are classics of LitRPG in Russia. But they made a few fans on the western market as well. If you consider yourself an avid reader of the genre, you've probably read them. But if you're a newbie, try some of the first books ever written in the genre:

Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones by Dem Mikhailov

This is actually one of the very first LitRPG series in the world. The first book was written in 2012. It was published in English as The Way of the Clan series (World of Valdira) but recently we’ve re-translated and re-published it. In this series the events in the virtual world and the events in the real world mesh closely together as the plot thickens and becomes more and more dynamic from one book to another. The series has thousands of diehard fans in Russia! Now in English — for every true fan of the genre!

The Way of the Shaman by Vasily Mahanenko

Barliona is a brand-new virtual world which offers everyone the chance to start a new life as a valiant knight, a hero or a beautiful princess. Many people have come here in search of a new identity. Still, for some users Barliona has become their biggest nightmare. They are convicts sentenced to serving their term in virtual reality with their sensory filters disabled. They can feel everything that happens to their character whether it’s pleasure or pain, strain or fatigue. For them, the difference between the real and virtual worlds is so slim that some of the inmates lose all sense of reality.

Mirror World by Alexey Osadchuk

The story unfolds in the near future where humanity is completely consumed by the opportunity to earn its living logging in to Mirror World: a full immersion MMORPG game developed by Reflex International, Ltd. Here, paid account users enjoy full freedom in their new virtual home, sampling a vast range of colors, smells and even tastes, indulging in their ability to fly or experiencing pain from combat wounds. They’re offered an unlimited choice of races and territories, allowing them to go on mysterious quests and missions. In Mirror World, anyone can become a warrior or a wizard, a street vendor or alchemist - provided they can afford it. They can build a castle on a cliff or start a small farm near a calm cozy town - if they’re prepared to pay, that is. But if you can’t pay, you can always take out a bank loan to purchase one of the game’s “daily grind” plans. Which is exactly what Oleg does when he finds out his six-year-old daughter requires urgent heart surgery.

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