Monday, July 10, 2023

Magic Dome Books library

In this post we list all our books in ENGLISH. GERMAN (DEUTSCHE) books are now moved to different post. We'll keep updating it so there is always something new to read. Release dates, audio release dates - it's all here. If you want to be among the first ones to know about our new releases - subscribe to our newsletter: English books or German books.

Numbers in the table show the amount of published chapters (and they also are direct links to texts).

Last updates:  
February 1 - Last Life-5: The Edges of Power by Alexey Osadchuk is released
January 30 - Sidus-1: First of His Kind by Dan Sugralinov - audiobook is released
January 29 - An Ideal World for a Sociopath-2 by Oleg Sapphire is released
January 25 - In the System-7: The Choice by Petr Zhgulyov is released
January 22 - A Shelter in Spacetime-1 by Dmitry Dornichev is released
January 17 - Rogue Merchant-5: The Devil Archetype by Roman Prokofiev - audiobook is released
January 16 - Lord Valevsky: Last of the Line-3 by Vasily Mahanenko - audiobook is released
January 11 - The Healer's Way-2 by Alexey Kovtunov and Oleg Sapphire is released
January 4 - The Hunter's Code-2 by Yuri Vinokuroff and Oleg Sapphire is released
December 27 - Last Life-3: Blood Ties by Alexey Osadchuk - audiobook is released
December 26 - Disgardium-12: Unity by Dan Sugralinov - audiobook is released. Reality Benders-10: To Change the Past by Michael Atamanov - audiobook is released
December 19 - Invasion-3: The Portals of Altameda by Vasily Mahanenko - audiobook is released
⇓⇓⇓ - Browse the entire list

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Bibliothek Deutscher Bücher

Dieser Beitrag ist eine Bibliothek. Alle unsere Bücher aud Deutsch sind hier aufgelistet. Bücher auf ENGLISCH werden jetzt in einen anderen Posten verschoben. Wir werden es ständig aktualisieren, damit es immer etwas Neues zu lesen gibt. Erscheinungsdaten, Veröffentlichungstermine für Hörbücher - es ist alles hier. Abonniere unseren Newsletter: English books or German books.

Die Zahlen in der Tabelle zeigen die Anzahl der veröffentlichten Kapitel (und sie sind auch direkte Links zu Texten).

Letzte Aktualisierungen:  
29. Januar - Saga Online-2: Höllenritt von Oliver Mayes - Hörbuch ist erschienen
26. Januar - Der Alchemist-2: Der Wald der Sehnsucht von Vasily Mahanenko - Hörbuch ist erschienen
22. Januar - Das letzte Leben-3: Blutsbande - Hörbuch ist erschienen
11. Januar - Außenseiter 5: Das Labyrinth des Schreckens von Alexey Osadchuk - Hörbuch ist erschienen
10. Januar - Sperrgebiet 4: Vorstoß in die Hölle von Yuri Ulengov - Hörbuch ist erschienen
3. Januar - Freiherr Walewski: Der Letzte seines Stamms Buch 3 von Vasily Mahanenko ist erschienen
25. Dezember - Die Kalandaha Chroniken: Builder von Jens Forwick ist erschienen
21. Dezember - Freibeuter-2: Auf der Jagd nach einem Manuskript von Igor Knox ist erschienen
19. Dezember - Die ideale Welt für den Soziopathen-2 von Oleg Sapphire ist erschienen
14. Dezember - Disgardium-11: Im Abseits von Dan Sugralinov ist erschienen
8. Dezember - Ein Student will leben-3: Sangis von Boris Romanovsky ist erschienen
⇓⇓⇓ - Browse the entire list

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Chaos’ Game by Alexey Svadkovsky


Chaos’s Game

Book 1

by Alexey Svadvkovsky




 Release - May 26, 2023

Pre-order here:



The Junkyard




It was raining. The thick, dark yellow drops hissed as they hit the massive metal containers littering the landscape — huge, rusty tanks, and old, rotten drum barrels. Whenever it rained, all living creatures retreated, sheltering under whatever they could to escape the toxic droplets. The splashing when the rain hit the ground was enough to burn through the flesh to the bone, creating a long-lasting wound. The vapors from the poison dumped upon the earth from the heavens wafted upward from the ground, emitting a greenish-yellow fog that made it impossible to make out anything more than five steps away.

An enormous young rat sat in its nest desperately gnawing on scraps of plastic lying about. The raindrops drummed on the box that served as its nest, and the rat was smart enough to know that it would be some time before she’d be able to forage for sustenance. First, the rain must stop and then, the earth must dry and the toxic fumes evaporate. Thus, when she saw through the fumes the figure of the man in the rain, she sat up and tensed, hoping for an opportunity to attack him.

As it was, though, the toxicity of the environment shielded the man more reliably than any armor. He made his way between the huge containers and around the heaps of junk. There was no doubt a time when those one could see usable items in the junk piles, but year after year of acid rain had rendered everything into amorphous rubbish. The grotesque piles resembled hillocks, except rather than rock and stone, they comprised hunks of plastic, metal, and the devil only knew what else was in there. That might be a mountain of broken chairs, atop of which teetered something that might have been a throne, or had it been a toilet? Next came a forest of rebar and piping embedded in crumbling concrete. Rusty bars protruded any which way from dreary gray slabs. The man glanced at a bundle of faded purple cables, and quickened his pace. He still had a long way to go.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Using MidJourney to generate monsters’ images for use in books. Prompts and post processing.

The Generating of Rats


Using MidJourney to generate monsters’ images for use in books. Prompts and post processing.






Hi everyone,


A while ago, I decided to try using AI art generators to create monsters for my RealRPG series In the System.

To illustrate it, I’d like to show you how I came up with the images of rats - especially because considerable parts of books 4 and 5 are set in the Dungeon which is their natural habitat. I used MidJourney’s $60 subscription plan which guarantees certain usage rights, including commercial use.


My books have this concept of Evolution similar to that of Pokémons - but unlike theirs, it doesn’t occur instantly. My rats have to live and hunt in order to accumulate experience until they can evolve into new stronger animals. For that reason, I had to come up with low-level rock rats (F-rank), rat wolves (E-rank), rat kings and queens (D-rank) and finally, the Rat Emperor or Empress (C-rank). So I basically needed 4 images in total, which sounded like an easy task (spoiler: I ended up with 7). Especially seeing as I’d already dabbled in generating three different types of monkeys, and everything had gone quite smoothly then. This time, however, I must have underestimated the challenge I was facing.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021





February 28, 2022










Thursday, April 1, 2021

Sperrgebiet von Yuri Ulengov

Sperrgebiet, Buch 1
Die Hüter der Vorhölle
von Yuri Ulengov

Release - 9. September 2021




Erdföderation, Orionsystem

Planet Rhapsodie, Sektor 3 der grauen Zone des Sperrgebiets. Einstufung: Bedingt sicher


DIE RETTUNGSKAPSEL schlug so hart auf dem Boden auf, dass ich für einen Moment das Bewusstsein verlor. Meine inneren Organe schienen ihre Plätze getauscht zu haben. Hey, wenigstens war ich nicht in Stücke gerissen worden. Aber viel hatte nicht gefehlt. Hätte der Motor nur zehn Sekunden früher schlapp gemacht, wäre von mir jetzt nur ein nasser Fleck übrig.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Fantasia by Simon Vale


Second Shot

by Simon Vale


Release - June 7, 2021

Chapter 1


I swear she was the most beautiful woman in the world. And she was laughing.

“Three huge wet fish,” I said. “I’m not making this up, I swear!”

That laugh! And I was laughing along with her. Not at my own story, which was mediocre, C+ at best. Out of sheer happiness.