Invasion by Vasily Mahanenko
Book 1: A Second Chance
Release - August 8, 2019
Pre-order here -
Find out more about the series in interview with Vasily Mahanenko
Reality is cruel. The rising level of technological
development has led to a rising level of unemployment. They're laying off
everybody, from teachers to technical servicemen. What's the point of holding
onto a person if they can be replaced by an advanced mechanism? But what are
the people to do? How are they to live? Where are they to get money from? There
is only one answer – Barliona! The official government project is gathering
steam, luring more and more people into its net. Who knows how people will behave
when they lose everything?
Brody West is one such person. Unlike most, he doesn't
lose heart. A professional project manager with thirty years in the business
simply cannot do that. He has a goal, and a clear understanding of how to
achieve it. Nobody can get in his way – not the new class, not the strange
friend, and not the unexpected foes.
Chapter 1
Whenever you experience hardship on a cosmic scale,
you turn to a higher power. You might formulate it differently each time, but
the sense is always the same: "Why me? Can't somebody else get sick, or
die, or lose something important, just for a change?"
Stupid, pointless questions, but it's a rare person
who doesn't ask them in time of woe. To keep your feet you have to be either
dead cynical or deeply religious. Or a project manager, in which case
forecasting and accepting risk is part of the job. I belong to this third
category, so when I received news of my redundancy, I didn't stress over the
question of my uniqueness, because it was bound to happen sooner or later. My
miscalculation lay elsewhere – time frames. Occupied as I was with a two-year
government project, I figured I was employed until at least its completion,
during which time I would develop several business ideas, so that afterwards I
could look to the future with confidence from the panoramic window of my own
high-end office. It didn't happen.
In a world where Imitators – robotic systems with
limited artificial intelligence – were taking over more and more jobs, there
would soon be no place for the common man. Nobody now remembers how
enthusiastically people greeted the first prototypes of the Imitators,
originally designed for use in the hazardous manufacturing industries. And then
quietly, with none of the original press and Internet fanfare, the robots
established a firm foothold in education, medicine, industry, and everywhere
else. Imitators didn't get tired, didn't demand wages, and completed their
tasks precisely and punctually. Ideal workers. It was only after the mass layoffs
that people wised up to what was happening. The powers that be declared the
replacement experiment a success, and started kicking crowds of people out of
their jobs and onto welfare. Pickets and protests were organized, but it was
too late. The powerful and the moneyed of the world understood that the pros of
replacement seriously outweighed the cons. In fact there really were only two
cons: the general social unrest, and the resultant, ever-growing criminal
situation. The government, garnering the support of interested parties, came up
with a remarkably original solution – the virtual world of Barliona.
Relieved of work and a purpose in life, people needed,
aside from food and housing, a new ideology. The total-immersion game was
presented as the only escape from the drab calamity of existence. The
government was aggressive in its promotion of the new virtual messiah to the
masses. Everywhere glistened with conscription advertising images, ratings of
game achievements were compiled, and new virtual celebrities smiled from media
screens. Barliona was awesome, seductive, and carefree. But the real clincher
was that in agreeing to a new life in Barliona, people were giving themselves
over to total government welfare.
Municipal residential facilities were built in
outlying districts – two-by-three-meter, concrete box rooms, with no windows,
kitchens, bedrooms, or toilets, but this was compensated by
continuous-immersion pods, fully equipped for all your needs. Newly unemployed
citizens, who could no longer provide for themselves, would sign a contract
with the municipality and receive ownership of such accommodation, along with a
lifetime paid account. They were obliged to spend no less than twenty hours a
day in the game, including sleep, and were generously allowed to pass the
remainder of their time in the real world.
The idea exploded. The first to rush into Barliona
were hordes of adolescents, only too happy to cast off their everyday cares.
Under their whoops of joy, agreements concerning self-imposed exile were signed
by unemployed newcomers, freeing up space on the Earth for those who had the
money for a real life. Those who escaped to Barliona on the social program
became known popularly as "vagrants," and nobody was offended.
The old residential suburbs were demolished, making
way for new garden suburbs, sports and entertainment complexes, and vibrant
mansion communities. The world changed its image, bowing to the will of the
rich, with the tacit disapproval of everyone else. That was how natural
selection usually worked.
"So what are you going to do?"
I sighed to stifle my irritation. In the last week,
pretty much everyone had been bugging me with that question. My parents,
ex-colleagues, friends – faux and true. But if my parents really were
concerned, everyone else did not always hide their glee. And why should they?
Those who had managed to hang onto their positions sensed their superiority,
and those who had already been enlisted to the armies of unemployed were
relieved they weren't alone. But absolutely everybody was dying to hear how I
planned to remain solvent. Suddenly I developed a cunning plan.
"So what are you going to do?" Matt poured
us another drink each and waited patiently. He wasn't one to gloat over the
misfortunes of others. He was a childhood friend, one of the family.
"First up, I'm going to celebrate my divorce and
the fact that I have no children." Not a great joke, but that evening was
no time to be serious. I was just elated to see Matt for the first time in five
"Well obviously. Although I'm not
convinced," he sniggered, frowning.
"Uh-huh. You were always pussy whipped. Relax,
your wife's not here," I laughed, remembering Matt's other half. If there
was ever anyone who shouldn't be complaining about family life, it was Matt.
They were one of those rare couples who were blissfully happy raising children
together. At least they were five years ago.
The first couple of shots washed away the stress of
recent days. It really was great to see him and forget our problems for a
while, and the booze unwittingly drew us into nostalgia.
We met on the first day of the first year. Neither of
us shared the general excitement about starting school, and the example of my
elder sister had shown us clearly that our happy-go-lucky yard games would be
replaced by lessons and homework. Matt hated kindergarten and school. We stood
together, panting under the burden of either existence or our school bags, and
brushing aside everyone else's bouquets of flowers. Common troubles bind people
together, and boring lessons and constant knuckle rappings from a spiteful
teacher made us almost brothers. We were together throughout school. We fought,
teased the girls, and received beatings from our fathers when our mothers tired
of threatening us with the belt. At the time it seemed it would always be like
that, sticking together through thick and thin because we were a gang.
But after school we went our separate ways. Matt
hadn't found studying particularly easy at school, so higher education wasn't
even a question. He was, however, a wizard with his hands, and with my help he
enrolled on a college course in car mechanics, and found work in a nearby
workshop, where he soon earned the respect of all the men. Then all of a sudden
he met Liz, married her, and had kids, immersing himself in family life, but
looking supremely happy with it. It's strange: as a car mechanic you'd think he
would have been more worried about losing his job, but he assured me he had a
reliable client base. As one of his regular clients used to say about the
switch over to Imitator mechanics: "It's like pleasuring your woman with a
vibrator when you have your own eager hands, a fully working member, and a head
on your shoulders."
I had a different fate in store. A bachelor's degree,
a second bachelor's degree, and a prestigious internship followed by a fulltime
job in an incredibly high-end corporation. I started as assistant manager, and
was then chief project manager in charge of implementing ERP-class information
systems for thirteen years. It sounds terrifying, but all I actually did was
ensure my juniors fulfilled their functions proficiently and on time. I soon
got out of the habit of working with my own hands.
At first I hooked up with Matt once a week, discussing
problems and sharing news, but those meetings became less and less frequent:
once a month, then once a year, and for the past five years we didn't even call
each other. Turns out I suck as a friend. Occasionally I would remember him and
swear I'd finish work early the next day and call to ask how he was doing, or
even pop round to see him, but I never got round to it. It's hard when you're
working yourself into the ground fourteen hours a day. That's why my ex left
me. She was sick of going to sleep and waking up alone.
I was laid off a week ago, and out of the blue Matt
shows his face. Even though he hadn't phoned, he apparently kept abreast of my
successes by looking at posts and photos in social networks. He was just wary
of letting friendship get in the way of a "big boss," which amused
me, but at the same time shamed me. Time had left us rungs apart on the social
ladder, but my dear friend remained nothing but a true human being.
"You haven't answered me," persisted Matt.
"Matt, why do you keep banging on like that?
We're having a good time, don't go and spoil it." I hadn't noticed my
temper rising. I took a couple of deep breaths and added, "I'll find
something. The Imitators can't replace everybody. They haven't taken over everything."
"Another round?" As if to disprove me, an
Imitator-waiter appeared. Its subservient physiognomy irritated, but we
couldn't refuse the offer, otherwise we would have to leave the establishment.
The owners kept a strict eye on guests so they wouldn't be distracted from
spending money. "I remind you that you can receive a discount by stating
your Barliona login. The size of the discount depends on your character's
"Oh wake up, Bro, these monsters are
everywhere," hissed Matt angrily, unembarrassed in front of the robot.
"You know who doesn't have them? The army. Because it's more interesting
to fight with live soldiers – you can be a real hero, even a spy. Intrigue all
round, why the hell not? An RPG, in reality, with a Cargo 200 bonus. And they're
way creative. All of them."
"What are you getting so wound up about? I
thought everything was hunky dory with you?" His over excitement was
getting to me. Surely it was me who had problems? And here he was getting all
"Hunky dory? What would you know? Five years ago
everything was fine. Then it all went wrong." All of a sudden Matt wilted
and looked glum. He drained his glass of vodka.
"The repair shop closed three years ago. Almost
all the customers went over to the Imitators. They're fast, reliable, and free.
That's a car manufacturer's lifetime guarantee for you. What could we offer to
counter that? Exactly, nothing. Although we took the piss as best we could. We
put a huge display stand of family photos by the entrance. Children, wives,
parents, dogs. Get it? Pictures from a family album all about happiness. So
that when the client picked up his pride and joy, he understood he was feeding
someone and would have to come back."
Shocked by the news, I swallowed the lump in my
throat. "Why didn't you call me?"
"What for? To say, 'Hi, mate! How's it going up
there on Mount Olympus? Still building Hell's Kitchen for us?' You were
building shelters, weren't you?"
"I was," I said. Up until then it had just
been installing and setting servers for the social shelters. A government
contract. Yet another project with no reference to specific people or goals.
We were silent, each thinking our own thoughts.
"Liz left. No money coming in, children to feed.
Josh Spenning had a thing for her ever since school. Maybe you remember him?
He's doing well for himself now, moved to a rich part of town, suggested she
moved in too, he'd keep her. The kids are with her, and now they've got loads
of toys, clubs, sport… I see them once a week. That's how 'hunky dory' it is."
Matt spoke reluctantly and softly, as though afraid of what he was saying.
I felt even more wretched now, thinking I could have
found out for myself, if only I'd been interested in his life. I could have
been there to support him. Matt's family was everything to him.
"I'm such an asshole. I never called you once to
ask how you were. You didn't call either, and no news is good news."
"Forget it. I'm not pissed off with Liz. What do
I have to offer them, apart from a shelter? By the way, they're not bad little
mansions. Well played!" he chuckled.
"Don't start. I'm sick of it myself." I'd
asked for it, envisaging a pod in a concrete anthill as a home for my best
mate. "If I can't find a job, I'll move close to you, we can be
"Bro, you know me, I didn't drag you here out of
self-pity," said Matt, shaking off his melancholy. "I've got a
proposal for you. How are you with Barliona?"
"Not good. I started a couple of times and gave
up. I can't be sitting in a pod with my job. It's not my thing anyway. Are you
trying to entice me into your game? An 'Introduce a friend and receive a bonus'
promotion stunt?"
"Something like that." He wasn't offended.
"Listen, I've been in the game three years, and I haven't done half bad,
for a vagrant. I've got money, connections. But I'm not blind. I see the clan
officers taking most of the loot and leaving us with next to nothing. There are
crowds of vagrants in Barliona now, so the clans don't cling on to us so
desperately. If they're dissatisfied with something, they're told to get lost.
A paid account, on the other hand, is something else. This is what I've thought
up. It's not easy to earn money in Barliona, but it is possible. First, you
need your own clan. While you've got money, you can subscribe, create a
character, organize your own business. Remember school: I do the handiwork, you
do the brainwork. How long did you spend just learning to manage things, Bro?
Plus, with a paid account, you'll have kudos and bonuses all over the place."
Reference information
Social one-size-fits-all – A pay-as-you-go account for people living in
social housing and prisons, with a compulsory contribution to the government
of 30% of all income. In the game, players with this type of account have
their name underlined in red (cannot be hidden).
Commercial account, beginner – An account with a monthly fee of 11 credits,
without bonuses. Most popular with schoolchildren and students.
Commercial account, basic – An account with a monthly fee of 525
credits. Bonuses: Experience gained +1, Reputation gained +2.
Commercial account, premium – An account with a monthly fee of 2100
credits. Bonuses: Experience gained +3, Reputation gained +5. Favourable
terms and offers from the game bank. Opportunity to become a member of the
top private game clubs.
"You're suggesting I waste my time and money in
Barliona, just to end up in a shelter even sooner? Instead of looking for a
job? And swapping my commercial account for a vagrant one? Yeah, right!"
The sceptic in me was fuming. "If only it was all that simple, Matt. Then
half of us would be a Mahan. Dream on!"
"Who knows? Maybe it is a dream. But you have to
believe in something. And I believe you'd make a damn good clan chief. We can
find earners, buy a castle. I'll do the creative stuff. We'll earn a ton of
cash, and everything will turn out all right—" He was interrupted by an
electronic signal from the device on his wrist.
The Imitator came over: "Matthew Lorov, your
reality time limit expires in thirty minutes. A taxi is waiting for you by the
entrance. Payment will be debited from your account."
Matt rolled up his sleeve and shook his metal
bracelet. Everyone on a social contract had one, to monitor their whereabouts,
time-management skills, health, and other important stats.
"Damn convenient piece of kit." He winked.
"If you change your mind, give me a buzz. And good luck in the job
He rose from the table, thought for a moment, and
necked another shot.
"The pod will flush me out anyway, and the way
home will be more chilled," he explained before waving goodbye. "Lead on, oh
soulless one!"
The Imitator saw Matt out, and returned. "Another drink, or would you like to move to the VIP lounge?" The machine could see my
account balance and was doing its utmost to reduce it. The VIP lounge entailed
live serving personnel and doubled prices. Otherwise it was no different from
the general bar.
"No, I'm good, thanks. Debit payment from my
"Your companion has already paid the bill,"
said the Imitator, before escorting me to the door. "Would you like to use
the Sober Driver
I refused, informing the robot I had autopilot, and
climbed into my expensive car. Apart from a huge headache and no free time, my
job as project manager had also provided me with a decent income. The car drove
past blocks being readied for demolition. The alcohol and the conversation with
Matt evoked thoughts of social inequality. High-rises were being knocked down,
and new mansions built in their place. Mansions like mine – large, comfortable,
and expensive. I'd never given thought to where the people would go. An entire
district, hundreds of twenty-story buildings, a thousand flats in each, and
each flat housing a family. Surely they can't all be in Barliona? Now was
probably not the best time to think about it.
The following morning was fine and sunny, unlike my
physical and mental state. I hadn't been that drunk for ages. My head pounded
mercilessly, and my body begged to be horizontal again. It was only the nauseating, electronic,
"Incoming Correspondence" signal that prevented me from the dying in peace. The sound
came from the Smart Home management module, and indicated receipt of a letter
from the management company. Taking a couple of shaky steps, I accepted I
wouldn't be able to cope without the robodoctor, and trudged through to the
kitchen to deal with my hangover.
Dear Mr.
West, the management company Everything for a Present Future would like to
remind you that your prepaid, one-year lease on a mansion in Sector 2, address:
House 43, Street 2, terminates four months from today. Your current account
balance is sufficient to extend the lease for two years, including advanced
payment of utility charges.
the absence of weekly deposits into your account, the management company would
be happy to offer you a comfortable flat in Sector 5 at a price to suit you.
You can browse all the options by following the link below. The price of a
one-year lease includes: a two-room flat, with standard conveniences, direct
connection to Barliona, and secure parking. The management company has studied
your levels of social and intellectual development, and has selected the most
suitable neighbours for you.
To extend
your lease or apply for a housing swap, look in the My Profile
section of the main menu.
We are
pleased to be of service to our clients, and to make their future a comfortable
Piss off with your joyful concern! I've only been
unemployed for a week.
Sector five was a high-rise ghetto on the outskirts of
the city, a concentration of human desperation, crime, and all manner of
disease. Even the police didn't bother showing their faces around there. And
why would they? Let the dregs destroy themselves. Fewer people equals fewer
problems. There was only one way out of there – into a long-stay pod, and I
wasn't ready to give up my place in the sun, in the literal sense of that
expression. Submitting to a momentary fit of rage, I flipped the finger at the entirely
blameless management module, and extended the lease on my comfortable and
expensive domicile for another year.
I spent the whole day checking my email, sending my
resume to some of the bigger companies, and phoning work contacts. Nothing. Out
of twenty companies, only seven responded, all of them with rejections. Project
managers had been replaced with the new generation of Imitators. Looking at the
employment sites was fairly damn joyless too. Every job offer had loads of
replies, whether it was for a VIP-establishment waiter or a specialist in
microelectronics. White-collar workers were no use to anybody. Reading forums,
phoning acquaintances, and lunch with a particular big cheese proved no cause
for celebration either.
By the end of the day I was seriously ready to
contemplate Matt's proposal. People on the forums agreed about one thing:
Barliona was now pretty much the only place where you could earn anything at
all. So for want of anything better to do, I decided to do some homework on the
subject, filtering out the adverts. A rigorous analysis of the information
available took me two hours, and my conclusions indicated that Matt's
suggestion was not an option. The game was created for people to spend money,
not earn it. What the vagrants called earnings was peanuts compared to my usual
take-home, and even then they hoarded it, scrimping on everything and paranoid
about anyone taking anything. The comfort and security of your personal assets
came at a price. Absolutely everything cost money, from use of the Bank to a
Scroll of Flight to expanding your inventory. All this convinced me that
Barliona was designed to relieve players of their money, time, and reason, and
in no way to provide them comfort in their declining years.
An "Incoming Correspondence" notification
flashed up. I opened my mailbox on autopilot. With all the stress and fatigue,
my brain had switched off.
Mr. West. We have perused your resume, and would like to invite you to an
interview at our company for the position of project manager. The interview
will take place…
"Yeees!" I shouted, without even reading the details.
My body was gasping for any opportunity to make up its deficit in feel-good
hormones. For the first time, I regretted not having someone close to share
this small piece of non-binding good news with.
The company inviting me to interview was not a giant
in some market or other. In fact I could only find a couple of mentions in the
Internet. No scandals, quantum leaps, or participation in tenders, and oddly,
everything I could glean about my potential employer came from their own
website. A supplier of network equipment, with its own consulting and commissioning
departments. Just what I was looking for. In years of managing projects, I had
studied all this stuff in such detail I could work as a manager, architect, or
design engineer. If they'd let me prove myself, that is.
My reply was quick and concise: Your offer
is interesting, I am familiar with the company, I will definitely be there. Almost
immediately I received confirmation that my letter had been read, and a few
seconds later a new contact request appeared in the messenger application of my
mail client:
WTF? There's a real live employee sitting there? The
system clock read 1:00 a.m. I clicked on "Accept Message."
HR department:
Good evening, Mr. West. Please forgive me for disturbing you at such a late
hour. I saw your letter and decided to reply.
Brody West: Good evening. No problem, I'm not sleeping
HR department:
We arranged your interview for tomorrow at midday, but unfortunately the head
of the department is flying out at 10:00 a.m. You can wait
until her return, or come to the interview at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.
Brody West: Tomorrow at 8:00. Thank you for warning
HR department: ;) Pleased
to be of assistance. We will expect you tomorrow at 7:50. I will order a pass
for you.
Bloody hell! A smiley from a real live HR employee. And a live
interview. Could it be a joke? Job interviews went virtual eons ago. My last
live interview was about ten years ago. Nothing but a waste of precious time.
Maybe this was just a test? To see how much I valued my time, and theirs?
Brody West: You mean I have to come to the office? Why
not use conference call, especially since the head of department is flying out?
HR department:
nothing to be afraid of J Live interaction at work is a company policy. Our
staff consists only of people.
Brody West: Why?
HR department:
That's not
for me to say )) Come and see us and you will find out everything.
Good night.
Brody West: Good night.
I was intrigued, to say the least. Good night? I googled Right
Decision Ltd. with renewed vigour, but learned nothing new. Old links concerning
charity affairs, and their website. That was it. There was no information
whatsoever in the Internet about companies which had opted out of Imitator
services. Some random company with a load of inconsistencies. How could you
provide network equipment for Imitators, without even using Imitators?
was still online. The silence of the empty house was stifling, and I wanted to
continue our chat, the more so because my curiosity was getting the better of
Brody West:
Can I ask you a question?
HR department: As long as it's just the one, and it's
not about work )
Brody West:
Why did you write to me here? You could have called tomorrow or advised me in a
HR department: I saw the "Message Read" notification and figured
you really needed a job )
Brody West:
So you took pity on me?
HR department: That was your second question ) See you
So much for the chat. A cup of camomile tea was more
comforting than the abortive chin wag, and I went to bed.
The interview with the head of the project management
office was a walk in the park. I was tested on my knowledge of my professional
sphere, asked to elaborate on details of successfully completed projects, and,
as is usual, to comment on problematical situations, before being informed that
on the whole I fitted their requirements. The working conditions suited me, as
did the salary. The office manager waved away my questions about the project,
saying I would find out everything if I got past the big boss, and after
wishing me success, he headed off to an exhibition of new Imitator prototypes
on a different continent. If only I lived like that.
A girl entered the conference hall and said,
"Good morning. Could you please fill in these forms, and I'll take you
through to Mr. Williams's reception room."
I silently took the papers from the outstretched hand
of the clearly recent school leaver. She sat down opposite me, trying to look
important, but her hastily gathered hair and ink-stained hands ruined her
businesswoman image.
Paper forms?! A ballpoint pen?! Yet another
anachronism to add to the list of the company's quirks. I hadn't held real
documents in my hands for years. I'd even forgotten what a pleasant sensation
quality paper could produce.
"My name is Helen. I'm your personal HR manager.
If you have any questions, please ask."
"Hello, Helen. Was it you I spoke to today?"
"Today?" The girl frowned and wiped her
forehead with dirty fingers, smearing ink on it. "No, yesterday… Ah, yes.
I mean today."
So this was who I had to thank for the successfully
rescheduled interview. This young, homely creature, on her first day at work.
It explained a lot, especially the smileys. At that age feelings of compassion
haven't yet atrophied, and the desire to show one's worth runs high. Not to
worry, we've all been there; it passes with time. It was a good job our chat
hadn't got off the ground; otherwise I would have been feeling very awkward
just then.
"Helen, thank you for organizing the interview.
You're a very responsible employee." I flashed the girl a friendly smile
to thank her for her consideration. "Your diligence is literally written
across your forehead."
I demonstratively wiped my own forehead, unsure how to
drop the hint while not offending her sensibilities. At first she just frowned
and mirrored my gesture. Then the penny dropped and she squealed.
"I've smudged my forehead again, haven't I? I
just can't get used to this thing actually writing. Styluses aren't messy like
I smiled politely again and busied myself with filling
in the standard HR forms, while Helen cleaned herself up with a tissue.
Twenty minutes later the sweet, though very young HR
girl led me to reception and handed me over to a real office shark. It was
etched into everything, from her stylish coiffure to the tips of her high
heels. The high-class secretary was arranging documents, and with such dignity
and focus that doomsday itself paled before the importance of the task. All I
merited was a curt glance from her severe and impeccably mascaraed eyes,
motioning me towards a visitors' chair. Not a single word. But who needs words
anyway? Words would only have spoiled the whole magic of that silent, yet
evocative film.
It was entertaining to see a real live secretary in
action. Due to the efforts of directors' wives, secretaries had been among the
first to be replaced by Imitators, relieving honest women of that particular
headache. Were I conscious of my own uniqueness, I might well behave that way
The internal telephone on the table rang.
"Yes, Nathan… of course," said the secretary
in an incongruously pleasant voice. She replaced the receiver and, looking at
me coldly, nodded towards the office door. "You may go in."
A semidarkness reigned in the room, diluted by the
light of a projector. On a small screen I saw the first slide of my resume.
Nathan Williams was sitting at his desk and unhurriedly poring over the
contents. He cut an interesting figure: expensive suit and tie, manicure,
watchful stare, and no sign of plastic surgery to conceal his age. I had read
on the company website that the owner of Right Decision Ltd. was over ninety,
and for that age he looked amazing. In the comments it mentioned that he did
not use a medical pod on principle, having on the staff a human doctor, who was
just as ancient as he himself. Looking at his wrinkled face, that was easy to
believe. His liver spots didn't add to Williams's charm, but in no way did they
affect his working capacity. His mind remained ever alert and inquiring.
"Take a seat," said Nathan with some effort.
His hoarse, forty-cigarettes-a-day voice was more suited to a ship's captain
than a businessman. The slides changed on the screen – a photo, achievements
from my previous places of work, personal information. I didn't recognize the
last slide, which contained information from the security service. There
couldn't be anything to be ashamed of. A career in a prestigious company
obliged you to take good care of your personal and business reputation.
Reaching the end of the presentation, the owner asked:
"Brody, what is your relationship with God?"
Only now did I notice the Bible on his desk and a
large crucifix on the wall. Both objects looked very expensive, and several
bookmarks made of torn pieces of paper protruded from the book.
I don't know what my face reflected, but
long-forgotten obscenities swam up in my head. Fuck! You have to warn people in
advance about corporate policies like that. I wasn't an atheist, but I
preferred not to have anything to do with God. At all. Whatsoever. You could
call me an agnostic – I believed there was something somewhere, but it didn't encroach
on our lives and did not demand worship. With regard to faith, that was enough
for me. But what do you say when your only source of income is at stake? I
searched desperately for a correct response.
"I am christened. That was my parents' decision.
But I don't go to church."
"You misunderstood me. I wasn't asking about your
relationship to the institution of faith. I was asking about your relationship
with God."
"That's a very personal question. Nathan, I need
a job, and I don't know how to answer your question in order to get it."
The old man laughed. "Brody, there are no correct
answers here. I'm just interested to know what sort of person wants to work in
my company."
"I think I would best describe myself as an
"Thank you for your honesty. People are losing
their faith. It's tragic, but not without reason. Barliona can also be used to
control the people, can't it? Hehehe."
I didn't know what to say, and shrugged my shoulders.
I wanted this to end soon, and with some degree of certainty. It was crappy
practice to philosophize on the subject of citizen-control techniques during a
job interview.
"Tell me, Brody, what is good about faith? Why do
people believe in God?"
"Because it's easier to overcome hardship. Some
people don't have enough strength of their own, and faith supports them,
humbles them. It's like an element of psychotherapy."
"Good. I like your answer. You've probably
noticed certain peculiarities of the company. I shall explain. It's connected
with my faith, and that, as you correctly stated, is very personal. Consider
everything which doesn't fit into a normal framework for you, to be the folly
of a pious old man. When all is said and done, what does it matter if I give
you the opportunity to pay for a villa in sector two, and at the same time
don't demand that you share my feelings? Right?"
He laughed again. With a couple of unconventional
questions, he had checked my resolve in a stressful situation, and defined the
limits of what was admissible. Whatever underpinned his methods of business
organization, he acknowledged the right of his employees to choose their own
faith, but demanded the same of them. It does no harm in this business to
remember who pays who, and for what.
"And now to business. Tell me about
I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard this more
familiar interview phrase. In view of the fact that my life story had recently
flickered across the screen, the request was obviously loaded. A classic test
of attention to detail. Without touching on information already provided, I had
to flesh out my resume. Which was all well and good, but the facts needed
sifting through scrutinously, otherwise the security service would not have
done its job properly. Knowledge of such details allowed relations with the
security team not to be spoiled from the word go. I had a set piece ready for
just this situation.
"Brody West. Thirty-five years of age. Divorced.
Employment history as project manager – over thirteen years. Three major and
twenty-five smaller projects successfully completed. I prefer to use Gantt
charts, and PMI
methodology, considering
other methodologies superfluous or inadequate. As tools for Gantt charts I
"Enough," Nathan cut me off, twiddling his
fingers nervily. A company owner is the last person who wants to hear the
jabberings of a potential mid-level manager, which was exactly what I was
banking on. "Have you been told about the project?"
"No. But I'm ready to take on anything lawful. My
experience enables me to manage any size of project concerning the construction
of network infrastructure. That's why I'm here."
Williams was quiet for a while, concentrating on the
restarted presentation. After rubbing his red eyes, he pressed a button on the
desk with a shaking hand, and said:
"You've got the job. But there are conditions. Go
and have everything explained."
The secretary came in and stood by the door, holding
it open. I said goodbye to Williams and left. The lady followed me out, sat
down at her desk and, in a businesslike manner, held out a file of documents,
"Brody, here is the decision of the personnel
department concerning your candidacy. The director has already approved
The file contained my slides printed out on copy
paper. When I got to the Conclusions page I was flabbergasted:
"Avoids solid social relationships outside the
workplace? Seriously?"
The conclusions of the local psychologists stated categorically
that I had problems communicating with other people outside work. When was I
supposed to socialize and establish these "solid" relationships, if I
was at work from eight in the morning till ten in the evening?
I stared at the secretary, demanding an explanation of
what this had to do with the company. She took the file back and flicked
through it.
"The conclusions are based on an analysis of the
last four years of your life," she began. "You have no family,
friends, or interests. Even in Barliona you're represented by a level-ten
character. Your entire life is work. You are in a risk group."
"What risk group?" I asked, gobsmacked,
still not quite grasping what they were trying to tell me, and unable to get my
head round the surreal situation. The secretary slapped the file shut.
"The company is not interested in hiring
employees with a risk of developing depression or neurosis from loneliness. If
you notice, we pay particular attention to interaction, especially real-world
interaction. Even our electronic document flow is kept to a minimum. Brody, has
anyone ever made you work thirteen
hours a day?"
"No, but work must be completed on time."
Apparently the lady and I lived in different realities. In mine, any boss was
happy if a person lived at work and for work.
"Mmm. So, you're a good project manager, but
managing your working time is beyond you, right? Or were you just afraid to
leave the office before the management?" She raised a mocking eyebrow. A
secretary able to play with facts! "I must tell the girls to register you
for the time management course. Don't worry, it's a common problem now. The
director considers it necessary to remind employees about the importance of
free time, socializing, and other pleasures."
"So to work for you I have to get married? Or
will sexual relations with a long-standing partner suffice?" Angry that
strangers were teaching me how to live, I couldn't resist a touch of sarcasm.
"If sex is supplied to you on a contractual
basis, it doesn't count," replied the secretary, utterly unabashed.
"Brody, do you need a job?"
I nodded gloomily, and she smiled at me almost
"Then let's dispense with these attempts to rub
me up the wrong way. We are currently recruiting a team. The project begins in
ten months' time. Your professional qualities are impressive. Your personal
ones are cause for alarm. The latter is a priority for our company, but the
former permits us to give you a chance. Attend our training course. Of course
it's not exactly what you need, but you have to start somewhere."
"And how will you know when I no longer cause
alarm for your psychologists and HR people?" I asked.
"That's no problem for them. While you're on the
course, they'll watch you and suggest an individual approach to solving the
"For example?" I already didn't know what to
expect from these people.
"Anything at all. You can make it up for
yourself. Meet up with friends, take interest in their lives, have lunch with
your parents more often. If you find a steady partner, it can only be a good
thing. Or join a clan in Barliona. You can socialize there. The main thing is
that it should be just for fun, and not for the pursuit of some work-related
goal. Understand?"
"I understand," I replied
unenthusiastically. It irked me that people had weighed me up and were now
giving me their recipes for normalcy.
"It's important for us to evaluate your ability
to communicate with people outside work. During this time, Nathan is willing to
employ you officially as an intern, with a salary of twenty-five percent of a
project manager's full pay. If you accept, sign the last page. There's a pen on
the stand."
Biometrics had long since replaced personal documents
in our state, and a handwritten signature had lost all meaning. Your
fingerprints and the retinas of your eyes were always with you, and when you
held them to the scanner, you weren't worried about forgeries.
Tired of the weirdness and excessive questions, I just
wrote my surname. I didn't have a specific flourish for these situations,
because these situations didn't arise. I would deal with everything as it
happened, since there was no other way out. I needed any work I could get,
because I wanted my own house, a real piece of meat, and the real sun.
"Welcome to the company, Brody. Training begins
in one hour. Helen will show you the way." The secretary folded my signed
papers meticulously and filed them away.
"Okay, um…" I hesitated, realizing I still
didn't know her name. "How should I address you?"
"Victoria, I still haven't been told anything
about the project," I said, reminding her of the purpose of my visit.
"All information upon completion of your
training. Helen, show Brody to the training hall."
The course turned out to be standard communication
training, the likes of which I'd seen a gazillion times before. Never mind
seen, I used to run them myself. For a good half hour, myself and seven other
unfortunates were subjected to tired tropes explaining the importance of
communication and live contact with coworkers. Badly, and by the wrong person.
Little Helen, standing by the board, studiously drew adaptation graphs, recited
wise quotes, and even read a short piece on the history of the Imitators,
without understanding the first thing about it herself. It was clear she had
mastered the methodology well enough, but she'd never actually been to an event
like this. The result was a master class in how not to conduct a training
With my experience and the necessary knowledge, out of
sympathy for the girl I gently seized the initiative and organized a Brownian
Motion business scenario. One of the best ways to acquaint people with each
other is to take the heat off by showing the need for nonverbal communication.
It was curious to watch people who were used to exclusively digital
interaction, blushing and becoming flustered in their attempts to think up new
ways to greet another person – at first tactilely and silently, then tactilely
and verbally, and by the end just verbally. After touching another person
twice, they now found it difficult to readjust and greet them with only words.
Following that I introduced a standard scenario
called, "Find five positive features of your neighbour," which forced
them to enter into dialogue, communicate, and draw conclusions about somebody
based on that communication. Helen forgot completely about her role and became
actively involved in the game, and by the end of the session, the atmosphere
was certainly warm, if not friendly. Eventually came the moment I'd been
dreaming of since the very start – they let us go home. On the way out of the
hall I was intercepted by a stern-looking woman, who turned out to be the head
of HR and Helen's direct boss.
"Brody, I'd like a word with you."
I went back into the hall, to see Helen, now wearing
headphones, tidying up and shaking her tousled head in time with the music.
Seeing her superior in the doorway, she quickly removed the device and tried to
adopt a serious look. It was comical, just like in school, I swear.
"Brody, these sessions are not suitable for
you," announced the lady. "You've clearly had experience of something
similar before. When was that?"
"Way back at the dawn of my rebellious youth. And
since then I've often conducted them myself."
"You can tell. You helped me a lot," Helen
chipped in.
"Helped?" the boss teased her. "He did
your job for you. Should I give him your wages? It's shameful."
The dressing-down had been friendly enough, but the
girl's eyes sparkled with tears. The lady and I pretended we hadn't seen
anything. To encourage snivelling in the workplace was the height of
unprofessionalism. We were agreed on that.
"The training is pointless for you." The
lady steered our conversation back on course. "You were clearly in your
element. You need taking out of your comfort zone, and we have a number of
solutions. Please take a look at these."
An image flickered on the screen. At last, a glimpse
of automation, a hint that this might yet be an IT company!
"A company trip to an exhibition of modern art… A
fishing competition... A blind date... A character upgrade in Barliona… Stop,
rewind! I agree to the training." And I'd thought we were done with idiocy
for the day.
"Brody, concentrate on the matter at hand, which
is to take you out of your comfort zone." She was relentless.
"I have another suggestion. You and I are
business people, aren't we?" I wasn't about to give up so easily, and
said, "You still have to do the adaptation course for the others. I can
help Helen, teach her. For that we can keep… an upgrade in Barliona, and we can
forget about my personal life."
She wasn't exactly fired up at the suggestion, and she
fixed me with a heavy stare. But I didn't yield. Assistance came in a very
unexpected form. Helen.
"Oh, Grandma, say yes. Brody can help me with my
training, and I'll help him with his upgrade. And I'll introduce him to my
The boss's stern manner disappeared in an instant, and
she turned to her granddaughter:
"Helen, there is no 'Grandma' here! How many
times do I have to tell you? Here I am Maria," said Maria before turning
back to me. "Very well, Barliona it is. It's good enough for your
purposes. I see your case isn't too far advanced. With your acumen, Brody, you
need to build your career using social connections."
"And I will," I chuckled, looking poignantly
first at Maria and then Helen. "So what's happening with Barliona?"
"We have a checklist for that kind of adaptation
The projector displayed a list of ten items.
your character to required level (candidate chooses parameters)
Become a full clan member or create your own clan (clan size in both
cases min. 20 people)
Dungeon at any level as part of another group
Receive Friend status from other players free of charge
socially important tasks which provide no game advancement
Give assistance free of charge to random players when they complete
Ask for
insignificant help from Social category players
Extended verbal communication with another player
>=2400 min per 6 mths.
as a contestant in 2 festivals in Barliona
Receive 80 Agreeability points from a Barliona NPC
"On top of that, you will lead the course and
teach Helen for six months, and then I will approve your socialization."
The HR manager had pronounced my sentence.
"I'll be playing at home," I warned.
"You can play in the nether world for all I care…
God forgive me," she replied. I was beginning to take a shine to the lady.
"But you will spend two hours every day in the office. I shall be checking
up on you personally. Now off you go, I'll be expecting you tomorrow."
I went home via the nearest Barliona office. I
urgently needed a new pod with the standard frills, and the only
game-connection devices at home were a dusty old helmet and gloves, the kind
long since discarded by everyone.
Barliona had almost as many outlets as KFC or
McDonald's. Each office had its own unique fantasy design based around a real
object in the game: a medieval castle, an earth-goblin burrow, or a witches'
hut. The person who dreamt all this up was a genius – it was both advertising
and immersion in the game. And you couldn't miss it.
The office I came across was stylized as a country
tavern. Everything was so real I could hear the creaking of worn steps under my
feet, and the sweet aroma of food played with my empty stomach. The interior
furnishings and decor also seemed authentically medieval. As you would expect,
keeping house behind the oaken bar was an Imitator-innkeeper, and several
"customers" – devil-may-care pirates or highwaymen – were drinking
beer, playing dice, and poking fun at the serving girl. The most active and noisy
were the Imitators; the rest of the crowd consisted of holograms. There wasn't
a single person among the office staff.
"Good day to you, lord. What is your desire? I
see this is your first time with us." An electronic menu appeared on the
A new client
is a favorite client!
In order to become our client, select a type of pod:
continuous-immersion pod (GCI). Supplied free of charge. All standard features:
medical unit; sanitation unit; bed sore prevention and massager; pleasure/pain
impulse sensors; feeding tube.
continuous-immersion pod (PCI). Supplied for an additional fee. All standard
features, plus extras: full tactile sensation unit; olfactory centre; fitness
module, allowing increase of real physical characteristics (agility, strength,
endurance) whilst playing.
transitory-immersion pod (PTI). Supplied for an additional fee. All the extras
of the PCI pod, but without some standard features: medical unit; sanitation
unit; bed sore prevention; feeding tube. Continuous game-connection limit –
max. 3 hours. Interval between connections – min. 1 hour.
Familiarize yourself with the terms of the contract and the user
A multipage text appeared, of the kind which, due to
the nature of my profession, I was used to reading in full and with care.
Cutting corners wasn't an option anyway, because the system monitored my eye
movements, turning the page accordingly. It was impossible to just scroll to
the end of the documents and touch a finger to the scanner to confirm my
agreement with the contents. I didn't learn anything new – just the customary
buck-passing from the administration to the player. I'd prepared identical
documents myself and knew all the nuances. There could be no fault-finding – if
I died or went bust, it would be my own fault.
The system confirmed that my eyes had followed the
text from start to finish, and opened a new window:
Touch any finger to
the scanner screen.
Congratulations! You
are a new, and therefore favourite client!
Select a type of pod
and take the test to define the limit of your tactile sensation
Choosing a pod wasn't all that straightforward. The
GCI was free, meaning I would save some money, but it was damn unpleasant when
you could feel the feeding catheters, the urine-collection bag, and whatever
else inside your body. My body mass, now in three figures, had long been
hinting at exercise. The household robodoctor was forever complaining about my
blood pressure, and sugar and cholesterol levels, and suggesting a diet and
exercise plan, but I would refuse, citing a mad rush at work, a bad mood, the
release of the new Star Wars film, or just that it wasn't Monday. Ultimately
the choice was between the long-stay and short-stay professional models, and
the advantages of the long-stay were obvious: I would fulfil the socialization
tasks quicker, the built-in medunit would make sure I was losing weight and,
significantly, in six months' time I would be able to give the pod to Matt. I'd
be doing him a good turn. And I still felt guilty. Some things are worth
loosening the purse strings for.
No sooner had I signed the contract than a crew of
service engineers left for my house to install the pod, without even waiting
for it to be fully tested. The pods gave the user a whole range of tactile
sensations, to make the playing process as realistic as possible, but each one
had its own sensitivity threshold, and so that the user didn't accidentally go
schizo from overdosing on pleasure or pain, they ran checks before fixing the
settings. My figures settled at roughly 30% pain and 80% pleasure. With high
parameter readings, the conscious became addled or switched off altogether. In
this respect I was statistically average – it would be easier to fuck me to
death than beat me to death.
"Would you like to open an internal game bank
account? If you do this the same day you sign the contract, we will offer you a
discount." The Imitator had begun trying to flog me optional extras, as
befitted any good worker.
I had read up on the Bank and the internal game
accounts the previous evening, so I knew it was the same bells and whistles as
the immersion pod. When a character regenerated, half the money they had at the
moment of death remained at the place of death as a trophy. Beginners, of
course, had nothing to lose, but as your level rose, so did your income, and
thoughts of losing it would begin to torture everyone who was progressing. The
Bank offered an automatic transfer of money to your game account, bypassing any
pockets. No cash meant you couldn't lose it. Only vagrants refused, because for
them, losing half their money was no scarier than the commission for opening
and maintaining a virtual account.
"What terms are you offering?"
"Fifty-three credits to open
the account. A yearly service subscription of fifty-eight credits. The
commission for account transactions is two percent of the sum of the transaction."
"I hope that's without the discount?" I
understood vagrants very well.
"The discount applies only to opening an account.
Without it the fee is seventy credits. You can also merge a real account with a
game account."
"No, I'll keep the game account separate."
"We have a promotion at the moment. If you top up
your account with between one thousand and ten thousand credits, you will
receive an additional twenty percent from Barliona. There is one small
condition – you cannot withdraw the money for three months."
What a surprise! The last free gift I received was
from Santa Claus. And that was bought by my dad. My account balance was no
secret to the Imitators, and they were trying their hardest to con me into converting
real money into game money, in strict accordance with the object of their
existence. The less money a client had in reality, the less desire they had to
return to that reality.
"Transfer fifteen thousand credits to my game
account." Even so, the offer was very tempting.
"Would you like access to a mailbox?" The
Imitator continued to list the services available.
"That will be all, thank you." I brought the
conversation to a close. Being blessed with a brain, I would decide everything
else after reading some forums and guides, and after a chat with my personal
expert, Matt.
When I got home I was cheered by the news that the
installation and setting of the pod would drag on into the late evening. I
called Matt.
"Hi, mate! Can you talk?"
"Hi, Bro. I always have time for you. Just wait a
second and I'll log out."
If anyone was going to diss modern technology, it
certainly wasn't me. You could call somebody even if they were in their pod.
The main thing was to know their number.
"Has something happened?"
"No, I just wanted some advice. I'm having a pod
installed. Can you tell me how to go about starting? I killed off my old
"So you decided to go for it?" he said
thrilled. I didn't want to go into details over the phone, so I responded with
silence, but Matt wasn't expecting anything else. "Cool! You've made my
"Uh-huh. Listen, you said you'd worked it all
out. Let's meet and you can tell me who to play and where to begin?"
"Great!" He was genuinely excited. "But
only in two hours, okay? I've got to finish a quest against the clock. Some
guys are waiting for me. Then we'll discuss everything. Bro, shit! Buddy, we've
got big work to do! We're gonna kick Barliona's ass for sure!"
Matt hung up, and I dialled the next number. I had a
training session to prepare for.
"Vadim, hi, it's Brody West. All good, thanks.
Oh, you know already? I've nearly found one, that's why I'm calling. How are
you? Great. Listen, remember we ran that communication course years ago? Have
you still got the teacher training and preparation plan? It should be on the
server in the archive somewhere. Yeah, with the course. I fancy giving it a go.
Yes, I know it's all out of date. Can you send it in an e-mail? Thanks. I owe
you one."
Before meeting Matt, I had just enough time to fry
myself an enormous marbled steak. While I had money, no one was going to stop
me enjoying a slap-up meal.
We arranged to meet in the park zone just outside the
city. Anywhere else would be difficult for him to get to. The social shelters
were being built a ninety-minute journey from the edge of the city, and the
reasons were compelling enough. Firstly, to minimize time spent by social
citizens among the Free. The less a vagrant saw of normal, comfortable life,
the fewer improper thoughts they would have; and if such thoughts did arise,
then their realisation would not be far off – an hour tops. Secondly, so that
endless concrete anthills wouldn't ruin the green delight the city had become.
The park zones were being developed directly outside
the city specifically so the vagrants would have somewhere to stretch their
legs. Beyond them was an exclusion zone which only public transport was
permitted to enter. The state very charitably paid to deliver the wearers of
the metal bracelets from their shelters to the park zone and back. To get to
the city you had to take a taxi, and pay for it yourself.
I sat on a bench with a parcel of warm food on my knee
and a bag of our favorite beer beside me. It was already evening, though at
that time of year twilight draws in much later, so I saw Matt's gangly, jogging
figure from a long way off.
"Hey! It's cool you came." He was panting,
but it didn't stop him rejoicing at seeing me, and a little physical exertion.
We embraced, and he plopped himself down beside me.
"Ah, living it up two days running! Decent
food." Matt took his wrapper and got stuck into his kebab. His stomach
would organize a revolution out of sheer joy.
"What do they feed you? If I'd known, I would
have grabbed something more substantial," I said, opening two cans of
beer. I'd already forgotten how easy it was to talk to Matt about simple
earthly matters. At work everyone used office speak, even if they were talking
about some new dish on the set lunch menu.
"Powdered gruel, like what they give babies. Very
little pleasure involved, it's just to clear the pipes out so they don't get
gunked up. So go on then, tell me. We haven't got much time." Matt somehow
managed to chew, and chat between mouthfuls.
I took a swig of beer, then told him everything, just
like at confession.
"Yes, you're in trouble now," he said.
"Do you really want to work there? If you ask me, the people in Barliona
will be more normal than there."
"Matt, they're offering me something Barliona
doesn't have and never will – reality. Sorry, but I want to live here."
"Yeah, I get it. You don't have to explain. In
six months you'll completely disappear."
"No, I like the idea of the clan. Let's try it.
Six months for set up and development, then we'll need a powerful advertising
campaign. Then I'll hand over management to you, and only login for a couple of
hours a day."
"Like that, huh? What the hell do we need
advertising for?"
"No offense, but even a genius director won't
lead an all-vagrant clan to the top. We need advanced players with gear and
money. It would be good to find a Maecenas or two. The Phoenixes and the
Legends made names for themselves first, then people came flocking to them. Now
they always have plenty to choose from. A well thought out advert is half the
battle. So, Matt, we create a clan, we establish connections, we organize the
collection and processing of materials, we do quests, we sign contracts with
NPCs. And that's it – we're the victors in life. All we have to do is start and
"You've already drawn up a plan?" asked Matt
"Yeah, just now," I admitted honestly.
"They're installing me a pod too, but I haven't got a clue. That's why I
called. Come on, we've only got half an hour left."
"You're right. It's just a bit sudden." Matt
snapped out of his daydreaming about a happy future, and looked balefully at
his bracelet. "If only I could take this bloody leash off. Anyway, listen.
A new continent has just appeared…"
Reference information
Continents in Barliona
Astrum – a
continent for players in North America
Kaltua – a
continent for players in Africa
Calragon – a
continent for players in Europe
Celestial – a
continent for players in Asia
Ratrandia – a
continent for players in South America and Australia
Stivala – a
continent introduced in the latest version of Barliona, with no geographical
reference for players
For the remaining thirty minutes, Matt gave me the
most important bits without going into too much detail. He really did have an
idea. While doing some Blacksmith and Engineer business, he'd wangled a rare
quest connected with materials on Stivala. After the first settlement of the
new lands, players began to mine resources and sell them at auction. Prices for
the demon ore were exorbitant, but it was still snapped up in seconds. Matt
pushed the boat out too and bought a little ore and some other ingredients,
whereupon, for perhaps the first time in the game, fortune smiled on him. After
you created some object, the system offered a unique handicraft task, only it
demanded lots of resources and funds. He couldn't boast either of these, but
were he to have a reliable clan, it might all work out. At that moment he found
out I'd lost my job, and he was struck by a ray of hope.
I needed to create my character on another continent,
get busy with some Mining and Lumberjacking, bust a gut while making others
work too (demanding ten percent to the clan), build a castle on the new
continent to house the main stores, and wait for Matt to show up. His last
piece of advice concerned expenses imperative for a comfortable game: an
account in the game Bank, a mailbox, and a Communication Amulet with a game
number. But I knew all that anyway. That was pretty much it: our master plan to
nail some unreal megabucks.
I wanted to discuss the rest of the details over the
phone, but Matt rejected the idea categorically. Pods and phones were wired,
and great ideas stolen without scruple. We parted on that good note, and
without me saying out loud what I thought of the plan. At first glance it
looked utopian. At second glance too. And third. But what did I know about game
economics? Nothing. Before you've done any digging around for yourself, it's
silly to speak of the reality or unreality of any plan. Who was I to criticize
without an alternative to offer?
Returning home, I poured the first of that night's
succession of coffees down my throat, and fell to digging. For three hours I
scoured everything available, all the way down to advertising descriptions,
guides and official reference materials, until my head was in pieces. Most of
what I read was almost worthless, and any essential information on the new
continent was only to be found in fee-paying resources. Game specifics, extras,
bonuses, advancement tips, videos – everything cost money, and sometimes quite
a lot. Apparently this was due to an announcement by the Barliona Administration
that people would no longer be able to influence the mechanics of the game.
Some recent, large-scale bribery cases had forced the Corporation to take
extreme measures – complete replacement of the development and support team by
Imitators. Programmers, scriptwriters, designers, cartographers, project
developers, and testers were all laid off. Now nobody could spill any beans.
The market reacted instantly and prices rocketed. Not so much on legacy
content, but you could easily make reasonable money from selling new content.
I decided not to use the sellers' services, preferring
to rely on my own experience. On the official site, the most valuable
information about starting the game concerned a bonus for commercial accounts.
If a player created a new character but left the choice of race, class, and
generation location to the discretion of the game, they received a bonus. Since
I had no thoughts on the matter, and I only wanted Matt to see the right
continent, I was delighted at the opportunity for random generation and the
extra bonus for my lack of initiative. As long as the bonus was of use, of
When I finished the theoretical preparation for
immersion in Barliona, the clock showed I only had three hours plus journey
time before work. It was too late to think of sleep, so I decided to check out
the pod.
Years ago I dreamt about a huge grand piano in the
middle of the living room. That dream, adjusted for time, had almost come true.
In the middle – though not of the living room; and huge – though not a grand
piano. In its dimensions, the professional pod for continuous immersion in the
virtual reality of the Barliona game world was consistent with an unrealized
dream. Maybe someday I'd enrol on a course and climb in there to play Vivaldi
or Chopin.
After pressing some buttons and carefully studying my
new toy, I froze with indecision. To climb in or not to climb in?
Hell, bring it on! This ultra-modern coffin was
thought out to the last detail. I didn't actually have to climb in to it, like
in the vampire films, because the pod adopted an almost vertical position for
loading and unloading the passenger.
Inside, to my surprise, there were no horrible probes,
tubes for biowaste, or other suchlike fittings. Or rather there were, but they
only appeared and were aligned while the pod was returning to its horizontal
position, so the player didn't experience fear or discomfort. I didn't even
notice the roof closing. A platform came out, I stood backwards onto it, and it
went back in, depositing me into a chamber in the lower part of the pod, at
which moment a hoop was lowered onto my head, taking over control of my brain.
Absolutely no feeling of claustrophobia or being buried alive in a coffin.
I stopped sensing my body. All around was boundless
and pristine space. And a message before my eyes.
Welcome to Barliona!
Description: We are delighted to welcome our new player! The
initial settings of the pod are fixed. The sensory perception filters are set
in accordance with your individual characteristics.
Important: You are
entering the pod after a long absence from the game. Be advised that the
Barliona game mechanics have been significantly revised. You will find a
description of the changes on the official game site. A redenomination has been
conducted, equating the value of gold in the game with the value of credits in
The system confirmed that I'd read the message to the
end, and the message changed.
Select a faction:
Kartoss | Malabar |
Free Lands | Random
All the available selections were lit up in red. All I
had to do was fix my eyes on an item, and it would instantly change colour to
green, changing back as soon as I looked at another item. All clear with
There were actually many more factions in Barliona,
but for our geographical location only these were available. Matt played for
Malabar, so I didn't worry too much about my own selection there. The user
agreement said the pod was able to read the upper layer of my thoughts. I fixed
my eyes on "Malabar" and mentally pronounced:
Select a faction
Are you sure?
The "Selection Assistance" option provides
the player with reference information concerning each faction.
"Yes! I don't need any assistance. My selection
is Malabar!"
Selection accepted: Malabar
Select the race you would like to play for
<List of races available in Barliona and their
descriptions > | Random
"Random generation." This phrase was the key
to loading the scene I'd read about on the website.
Random generation of character selected
action: Define parameters for random
generation (min. 4).
Initial location
I shifted my gaze from one parameter to the next,
making my selections, until only geographical reference was still red. Players from different factions could easily
communicate and collaborate with each other, the only question being language
barriers. Still, let's go for it!
Geographical reference selection
action: Select geographical reference for
your character. After confirming random generation, you can only change your
race or class after 30 calendar days.
Choose continent
Go back
random generation of character
"I need the continent of demons – Stivala! I
confirm random generation of all other parameters!"
Instead of a message or a progress bar, in front of me
appeared a gray-bearded and long-robed elder holding a staff. Resting his hands
on the staff, he bowed his head in a dignified manner and said:
"Greetings to you, Free one! You have taken a
decisive step." The old man pursed his lips deferentially and stroked his
beard. "Such valour is worthy of reward. Barliona needs brave heroes, and
it is encouraging that you are one such. Welcome to Barliona, hero
He knocked on the ground with his staff, then crumbled
into a cloud of pixels, leaving in his wake the parameters of my character.
settings generated
Faction: Free Lands
Race: Tiefling
Class: Demon hunter
Name: Kvalen
(name from "reserved" list)
Appearance: customized
appearance of player
Geographical reference: Lok'dar, continent of Stivala
Initial location: Demon
hunter training camp
What's a tiefling? Never heard of… demon hunter… I can
run around as a hunter… Kvalen is, well, Kvalen, I don't care… All the rest
we'll deal with later… "Start game!"
The white space darkened, and a ball of mist appeared
ahead. It grew, curled, and stretched, forming a silhouette. The figure gained
substance and was complemented with features, and when the mist dissipated I
saw a horned, tailed, and hooved creature looking back at me. WTF! My first
thought was, "That can't be my guy! It's a goat! All that's missing is the
beard!" And in response to my indignation, a somewhat sparse beard
suddenly sprouted. Shit! And where's my bonus?
The creature eyed me aggrievedly with its pitch black
eyes, with no whites. I looked it sceptically up and down, and gave the mental
order to "give us a twirl." This is what they call "customized
appearance of player"? The gray canvas coat didn't hide my spare tire, and
novitiate's trousers refused to stay up on it. Way to go, tolerance! Although
it's true I was even fatter in real life.
So, tieflings are humans with tails, hooves, and
goat's horns. If I bumped into my ex in Barliona, she would definitely say,
"I always knew it." She would also add that it was a hint at my
subconscious and a manifestation of my real alter ego. Ugh, I'm definitely
going to change it in a month. I can just imagine Matt's face.
With that thought, I decided to learn how to change my
parameters. The beard had materialized, after all. I began mentally saying what
I wanted to change, and assessed the results. The original image really was a
work in progress waiting to be tweaked. I altered the length and ramification
of the horns, the appearance of the tail, the colour of the skin and eyes, and
various other things, until I got bored.
Since the game was 18+, I ordered the tiefling to
undress, and appraisingly sized up its figure.
"I want a six pack stomach!"
The game responded humorously by drawing lines over
the bulging belly. I see you're no idiot.
"I want a sinewy, muscular body with fifteen
percent body fat. Oh, excellent!"
My gaze shifted down. Well, it was my customized body,
and nobody had actually complained. I decided to leave it as it was.
Making peace with my character's image, I found the
Save button with my eyes and read it mentally. Another message appeared:
Birth of a Tiefling scene launched
Description: The Birth
of a Tiefling race scene launches every hour. Next launch in 32 minutes. You
will be put to sleep while you wait. We wish you a pleasant game!
The tiefling assumed a sprinter's crouch before
charging in a flash towards me, horns down. I felt odd and tried to step out of
its way, but couldn't – I didn't have a body. At the last moment, when I
realized collision was inevitable, I screwed up my eyes and… felt nothing. No
impact, no pain. But I couldn't open my eyes.
The feeling of space suddenly changed. There was no
time to even pin down or keep track of the moment. I was just suddenly aware of
myself drowsing in a comforting liquid and experiencing fantastical
blissfulness. I floated with closed eyes, occasionally bumping into something
soft and warm, rejoicing in my own being, and that of the warm, soft thing, and
in our bumping. I loved this thing, and I loved our gentle physical contact,
and it responded in kind, for in the ocean of bliss there is room for all.
There is no need to waste your breath on spite and aggression. Everything
around is invoked to give us happiness.
"Arise, my children! Your hour has come. It is
time to emerge into the light." A delicate and seductive voice sang out.
Only a mother could speak so tenderly. Mother. I wanted to approach her, and
was afraid to uspet her with my inertia. I must hurry! I reached out towards
the voice, straining to open my eyes. It wasn't easy, but I tried. Mother would
be angry if I was blind or came last. She didn't like failures, and ate them
straight after their birth. There was no place for weaklings among demons.
I broke out in a cold sweat from head to toe. What
freaking demon? When I understood the absurdity of my own thoughts, I opened my
eyes. Then I screamed. From shock. A normal reaction for a person who finds
himself swimming in a lake of molten lava. The world around was so natural, its
colours so deep and voluminous that my vocal cords seized up with fear and my
cries were cut short. I managed to save my conscious by concentrating on the
game interface buttons, which did not disappear even when I blinked. My brain
accepted this as a weighty argument in favour of virtuality, and was calmed.
It's just Barliona, I'm in virtuality, surrounded by a pod, nothing more.
Everything's fine.
I breathed out heavily and looked around. There really
was a lake of lava surrounded by cliffs. The horizon line was hidden some
distance away, behind the tall, rocky barrier. Leaden clouds hung low in the
sky, showering rain down on me through the thunder and lightning, though the
water drops evanesced before they could reach the ground. The lava did not
burn; quite the opposite, it was warm and comforting.
Aside from me, another dozen heads were swimming in
the lake. Oddly, I couldn't see a single other player among the newborn
tieflings. They were all NPCs. In a state of ecstasy from their unity with the
lava – primogenitrix matter – they also floated eyes closed. My hand reached
out by itself to touch my new accoutrements. Curious sensations. Neither the
tail nor the horns felt alien, just like I'd had them all my life. Completing
my examination, I swam a little front crawl, all the while contemplating my
fellow clansmen. Until I realized my mistake – I was not alone here from the
real world. Alongside me was a player from the social shelters, for some reason
bearing the simple name Eredani.
Reference information
Character names
Within Barliona every character's name is
unique. To provide uniqueness, and to satisfy players' desire to be named as
they choose, composite names are used, consisting of two or more words. There
is also a register of "reserved" simple names. This is a fee-paying
service. Reserved names can be used free of charge by Premium Account
holders, or when a player selects random generation for his character (min. 3
parameters). Simple names are also assigned to prisoners, using min. 10 letters.
When the player noticed me, I nodded to him in greeting,
but instead of replying, he pointed to something behind my back. I turned round
and immediately began paddling backwards and swearing loudly. It was going to
take a while to get used to Barliona. On the shore of our jacuzzi stood
the High Demoness Ireness, and behind
her, chained to the wall, hung an array of tormented and barely alive beings:
orcs, humans, elves. The demoness made a pass with her hand, and one of the
victims doubled up in pain. The creature, a onetime paladin, choked on his own
shrieks, before his body went limp and gray, and another tiefling surfaced
beside us, luxuriating. A life for a life was the name of this sanguineous
Turning again to the vagrant, I saw him swimming with
broad strokes towards the opposite shore. A sensible decision. I had no desire
to hang around under Mother's gaze myself, so I swam after him, carefully
detouring around blissed-out tieflings. We reached the rocky shore at almost
the same time, but I chose to climb out a little way from Eredani.
I pulled myself half out of the lava and was
immediately pierced through by a savage cold. Once upon a time my wife had
convinced me to buy a cryochamber, saying something about rejuvenation and
rebooted immune systems. Still young and in love, I allowed myself to be talked
round without going into the details, but by the time I was wearing wafer-thin
clothes and strange footwear with metal heels, I felt most out of sorts. I
entered the first chamber without a fuss, simply because I didn't know what to
expect, and was greeted by a temperature of -60. I had to be manhandled into
the second chamber (where it was -120) by my colleagues, motivated by the
fact that it was already paid for, and assured I wouldn't notice the difference. Only then
did I realize what the iron heels were for: those fuckers outside could hear if
I'd died or still hadn't quite yet attained the grade of White Walker. The only
thing that got me through the ordeal without strangling anyone, was remembering
I was a real man and could not disgrace myself in front of my dear lady.
Similar sensations awaited me when I hauled myself out
onto the shore. But seeing Eredani, who had pulled himself out first, produced
a muffled "Woah, shit!" and dived straight back in, and understanding
there was no one around to flaunt anything to, I followed his example.
Immediate relief and drowsiness, and no wish to exit the lava again. If anyone
felt so inclined, they could dig me out.
"In the name of Light!" A hullabaloo to wake
the dead came crashing through the thunder and the snarlings of the demoness.
"Die, spawn of the Abyss!"
Lightning bolts skidded across the lava and produced a
light, but nevertheless unpleasant prickling on the skin. New dramatis personae entered the stage: a sparkling
gold warrior, a girl dressed in snow white, and a heavyset, bearded man with a
shield twice his own size. My little knowledge of game classes and races was
enough to identify a paladin, a priestess, and a warrior. Or alternatively, a human, a she-elf, and
a dwarf.
"You're too late, light one!" hissed Mother, adding ultrasonically, "They
are all mine!"
My body quaked at the shrieks of the primogenitrix,
and the upper part of my viewer was occluded by a slew of vibrantly coloured
pictograms. Mother's debuffs did us no harm; the demoness guarded her children
most attentively.
Reference information
positive status effect on a player, created by increasing one or several of
their characteristics. A buff may affect a player indirectly,
increasing, for example, their Agreeability to NPCs.
The duration of a buff may be specified, or may last until cancelled by the
negative status effect on a player, differing from direct damage.
As a rule, for any stat which may be increased by a buff,
there is a debuff which decreases it.
"You have no power in this world!" answered the paladin no less
loudly. He raised
his hammer up to the heavens,
where it shone brighter than the sun. "In the name of Eluna!"
"Bastard," said Eredani, wincing with pain. The paladin had fixed the whole vicinity with light
magic, unconcerned for our wellbeing. The slightest movement was enough to burn your whole body mercilessly,
and it occurred to me that thirty percent pain was too much for me. Trying not
to move, I observed the unfolding spectacle. The
scriptwriters had gone a touch overboard on pathos for my liking.
"Your paladins were the first to be sliced up," laughed the
demoness, blind to the
light emanating from the hammer. "But do not weep, they did not die in vain, for
they allowed my children to enter Barliona. It is their home now and you cannot
banish them from it. See how strong my children are. It was the power of the
paladin's death cries that made them this way."
"Beast! Go back to where you came from! I banish
you!" cried the priestess, and the white Eluna merged with the yellow
light of the paladin's hammer. The demoness could not hold off this two-pronged
attack and she began to wither, as her recent victims had. I remembered from
the guides that fire could not harm a high fire demon, and only sacred light
could have any effect on them. Ireness was in a really bad way, and in her
death throes she threw out crimson threads to her prisoners, mummifying them on
the spot. The instantly released power she kept for herself, though there was
little of it, and she was not about to die quietly:
"You shall never achieve anything! This world
will be ours!"
The demoness scattered like ash, and all was still.
Gone was her monotonous gnarling, gone were the prisoners' wails, gone was the
thunder. And in that ringing silence, the footfall of the paladin rang out like
the blows of his hammer.
"They are all dead, Bartalin," said the girl
sadly, after inspecting the prisoners shackled to the rock face. "She took
their souls with her. I cannot revive any of them."
"Lorgus, unloose them." Even when he wasn't
shouting, the paladin's voice was powerful. "The brothers deserve a proper
Servants appeared and, under instruction from the
dwarf, began to release the mummies from their chains and lay them on
stretchers. The paladin and the priestess approached the lake.
"Spawn of the Abyss!" said the paladin with
ill-disguised hatred, and spat. His spittle evaporated before it hit the lava.
"Do not be so harsh, Bartalin. They are the sons
and daughters of our brothers." The priestess was more tolerant towards
other races. "Children are not responsible for the sins of their parents.
Give the volcanic tieflings a chance."
"You ask too much for the demons! There is only
one place for them in Barliona – the eternal chains of the demonologists!"
"They are not demons, Bartalin." The she-elf
was insistent. "Our blood runs in them too – the blood of elves, of
humans, of dwarves, of orcs. Do not let the memory of that blood die! There are
ever fewer warriors. Ireness will return. Be prepared! Instruct the tieflings
and send them to fight her. Better a half-demon should die than a human or an
elf. We will choose those who can stand against the will of Ireness, we will
purify them, we will train them, and we will send them into battle."
So that's the way it is! Mercy comes in no pure form.
The priestess saved us not out of kindness, but for the sake of her fellow
tribesmen who were hunted and killed by Ireness. Expendables – that's what
tieflings were to the she-elf. Hypothetically, Ireness could only have killed
us. We were unfit to be used as food or for bearing new children.
"As you please, Abigail," the paladin
relented. "Do with them as you will."
The priestess nodded. An inexplicable force drew me up
out of the soothing hot liquid and left me hanging in the air. The cold
immediately fettered my body and my mind, but before I blacked out, I heard the
"Lorgus, we need more stretchers! We are taking
the tieflings with us."
My consciousness returned in a couple of seconds; at
least, that's what the system clock showed. I was lying inside a warm dome,
which is why I no longer felt cold. The lake among the cliffs had transformed
into a stony dungeon with steel bars at the window and a small iron door. Apart
from myself, and two wizards holding up the dome, there were also two elves:
the familiar snow-white Abigail, and a certain Uldaron, dressed in leather with
chainmail reinforcements.
"I'm not sure," said Uldaron, looking me
over like a horse at the fair. "Too many disadvantages, too much hassle.
The fiery nature and demonic essence must be suppressed, otherwise he'll die.
But that will make him weaker. What do I want with a warrior like that? The
first weakling he runs into will knock him down with a stick."
"His enemies are demons. He has good defense against
them. All the rest is irrelevant. He's a Free citizen, he can come back from
the Gray Lands. If they knock him down with a stick, he will get up, dust
himself down, and continue. Such warriors are exactly what we need now."
"Then let him be a warrior!" muttered
Uldaron, dissatisfied. "Why make a demon hunter out of him?"
"Because these are the only two left!" said
the priestess. "You should have come to the assembly on time, then you
could have chosen your own Free citizens! They all came. Uldaron, you know you
can't not take them. Either you take them, or your training camp will be closed
down and all the recruits redistributed. The choice is yours."
"Oh, I'm riddled with doubt now!" he
quipped. "Let me think. So, either they shut down the training camp, or I
take these two waifs. I really don't know, it's such a difficult choice."
"Quit clowning around. Consider the tieflings a
"Purify them and dispatch them. I'll figure it
out as we go along." This was already the second NPC to concede an
argument to Abigail. Did she have high Charisma or something? On the surface
you wouldn't say so.
"Brother Lektor, he's all yours," called
Abigail, and another priest entered the cell. This time a human. I got goose
bumps just from the look of him. Brother Lektor had a malicious look about him.
Not spiteful, but just that – malicious. And heavy.
"Dome!" he ordered, swinging his censer
harder and harder and filling the cell with smoke. The wizards lowered their
hands, and the heat sphere around me disappeared. "Now get out!"
The NPCs vanished into thin air, and for the third
time recently the cold descended on me. I hunched over on the floor, searching
convulsively for the Escape button. However, either the cold affected my brain
that way, or I wasn't allowed out according to the script, because there were
no buttons on the status bar. The game did not want to release me until the end
of the scene.
"Don't hold your breath, you're not going to
die." Kindness was not brother Lektor's strong suit. He waved the censer
above me until I was totally enveloped in black smoke. The cold left me, giving
way to weakness. The priest proceeded to whine a prayer in a mind-numbing
recitative in an unfamiliar language, and then sprinkled my head with a gray power.
Resigning myself to my current situation, I wearily shut my eyes and waited for
the end. The cold was gone, and sooner or later the script would come to an
"I name you Kvalen!" After the purification
process Abigail preferred to endow me with my name herself. "Henceforth
you are a tiefling – half-demon/half-human. Arise, Free citizen of
I tried to get to my feet, but it was futile – my body
was wooden. Every movement was a struggle requiring maximum effort. Sensations
and my perception of the world were too natural. During the scene I forgot a
couple of times that everything around was virtuality. Which is why I remained
lying on the ground, waiting for whatever would happen next. I wasn't in the
habit of putting myself out much in the real world, and I couldn't make myself
overcome pain just like that and stand up in a virtual one. It wasn't about
pressing buttons in a comfortable armchair.
"And this is a demon hunter?" asked Uldaron
in disgust. "He can't even get up off his knees! Take him to the training
camp! I hope he'll have the brains to escape from there by himself."
Birth of a Tiefling scene completed
Description: Birth of a
Tiefling race scene completed. We wish you a pleasant game!
Some control buttons appeared on the progress bar, and
I pressed Exit. Fuck Barliona with its continuous immersion! I should have
agreed to that fishing date.
Chapter 2
Jumping around the room, shivering, while trying to
get dressed, I couldn't seem to get my foot into my trouser leg. Shit, why was
it so cold? It felt like the next ice age had decided to kick off in my house.
Having eventually dealt with my clothes, and tapping out a Morse-code message
with my teeth, I skipped sprightly to the kitchen in search of something
warming. Oddly, the thermometer was showing the usual 23°.
Bundled up in a blanket and armed with a cup of
cognac-laced coffee, I hit the Internet to find the answer to the perennial
question: WTF? The cognac
entered my system in small doses and was exclusively for medicinal purposes.
Namely to warm up and calm down. It worked.
The seasoned gamers on the forum assured me the cold I
was experiencing was absolutely normal after the first few immersions. It was
like a phantom pain, the body continuing to feel what it had recently
experienced in the pod. With time the brain became used to the virtuality, and
would react correctly to changing conditions.
Next in line for research were the tieflings. Who were
they, and what did you eat them with? Ha ha. If I'm honest, I didn't understand
the nature of the bonus I'd undertaken all this for. The more I read about
Kvalen's race on the official website, the more questions I had for the
Reference information
closed race. A half-demon, born of a fire demon and a creature of another
race. Appearance depends on the demon parent, but all representatives have
horns, a tail, hooved lower limbs, and monotone black eyes. In order to adapt
to life in Barliona, tieflings have lost their demonic power, fire resistance
and enhanced survivability. Their demon ancestry has resulted in Barliona
residents' negative attitude towards half-demons.
Race abilities of fire tieflings
· Increased basic value for Agility (+3 each 10 levels) and Intellect
(+3 each 10 levels)
· Increased fire resistance (+50 %)
· Increased demon magic (+30 %)
· Increased resistance to demon magic (+50 %)
· Total-darkness vision
weaknesses of fire tieflings
· Decreased basic value for Strength (-3 each 10 levels) and Stamina (-3
each 10 levels)
· Increased harm from Barliona magic (+30 %)
· Inability to study Barliona magic
· Weak reaction of healing incantations to Barliona magic (-50 % to
· Growth rate for Agreeability to NPCs also decreased by 50 %
A search for the term "closed race" bemused
me. If the guides were to be believed, players could not choose their own race,
class, or anything else marked "closed." However, apart from myself
there was another player swimming in the lava, and he was on a social contract.
Over and over I reread the information and weighed up
my prospects. I categorically disagreed with the developers that having a goat
as your character was a great bonus, but there was nothing I could do about it.
According to the rules of random generation, I would have to run around
cloven-hooved for a month, maybe longer. Things weren't looking good. Not only
would NPCs be hostile to me because of my demon genealogy, but players would
also turn up the heat.
I didn't know how to go on. If I deleted my account
and created a new one, I could only recoup my money in three months' time. And
the refund system was very unclear. I wasn't about to risk my savings, so I
wrote an official enquiry to client support concerning a refund and having
being made a tiefling. Everything by the book.
"Hi. Are you asleep?" After finishing my
letter I called Matt, only glancing at the clock when it was already too late.
"Hi," he replied croakily, before yawning
into the microphone. "I'm asleep."
Sleep in Barliona was never sound, but social players
had no choice. They had no time or place to relax.
"Shit, I wasn't thinking."
"Rom, call whenever you like. There'll be time
for sleep."
When I understood how stupid my reason was for waking
him up at half six in the morning, I hesitated.
"I wanted to ask you… I've created myself a
"Ah," he said and was silent, either groggy
from being half asleep, or surprised at the fervour with which I'd dived into
Barliona. "Great. What's your name? Height? Weight? Are we going to wet
the baby's head?"
"Horns, more like. They called me Kvalen. Have
you heard of tieflings?"
"The half-demons? I read something in the news. I
don't remember. What, have you made yourself a tiefling? They're
"It wasn't me." I had to confess what a
genius I was to have found such a great random generation scene. "I'm
sitting here wondering whether to delight in my goat-legged bonus, or delete it
in a month."
"Ah, that's why you're calling?" Matt sighed
with relief. "I was worried something had happened. Ditch it and create a
new one. The simple name is cool, but it's not worth the hassle – nobody likes
demons. It'll be a massive pain in the ass. Even demonologist's are getting
strange looks. It's not much of a bonus."
"I can't delete it straight away, only in a
month. What am I going to do? A whole freaking month on my butt, then start all
over again."
"Well… let's meet today and discuss a strategy.
I'll think of something to keep you busy for a month."
"Why bother meeting? I'll call you when I get
back from work." It occurred to me that every time we spoke Matt suggested
getting together.
"No, let's have a beer," he insisted,
although he quickly added, "Or are you busy? In which case we can meet
"I'm not busy. It's just a ninety-minute journey
for you. And what the hell for? Just don't say that evil foes are tapping our
phones and stealing ideas."
I heard a deep snuffling sound, one that I'd known
since childhood. Matt was brooding.
"Well? Say something," I said.
"What is there to say?" he mumbled.
"Just a bit longer and I'll be back, Bro. In there I'm a druid with a
unique task. Out here I'm a vagrant whose wife and kids have left him. Nearly
everyone's gone from our block. They live in Barliona. And all the rest come
out looking angry and bottled up. You can't talk to them, or have a drink with
them. I reckon I'll lose it soon and get stuck in there. I've already got no
reason to leave the pod every day. I see the kids once a week, and that's for
an hour. I don't have time for anything else."
I felt for him, but didn't know what to say. I'd
always felt awkward when it came to showing sympathy and support.
"Okay. I'll just sort work out, buy some beer,
and be on my way to yours. I'll call."
"I'm not going to say no. I'll be waiting,"
he said. I was just about to hang up when he said, "Wait! I've just
thought about your tiefling. Nobody knows anything about them. Or about demon
hunters. It's a new race, a new class, a new continent. Just smell the cash!
Don't be too hasty about leaving the training camp. Go for a walk, have a look
around, make a video, draw a map. You can do a lot of trading in a month, make
some contacts in the top guilds. What's wrong with that? Then you don't need to
delete your guy."
"Agreed. I'll do some thinking," I said.
Whichever way you looked at it, Matt was right. I
hadn't seen any rates for information about the new continent. With the proper
handling, my goat had a good chance of becoming a golden antelope.
"Matt, can you do me a favour? Sometimes I don't
get obvious things, just because I don't think about them. Next time tell me
straight, without that spy paranoia. You heard it yourself – I'm socially
challenged. I've even got a psychologist's note."
"Go to… work, socially challenged. Pack it in
with the self-reflection. I'm going to sleep."
The situation with Matt worried me more and more. Was
I a friend or what? He definitely needed dragging out of the shelter. Yet again
I prowled the expanses of the Internet, trying to work out how to restore him
to normal society. After flicking through a couple of legal reference bases, I
realized I knew lots about turning citizens into vagrants, but nothing about
the reverse process. My entire experience was not enough to render the legal
documents unambiguously. They'd done it deliberately. It was advantageous to
the government to have everybody sitting in Barliona rather than exacerbating
the situation in the world with their irrelevance. With the thought that I
needed a consultation with a good lawyer, I closed my laptop and went to work.
All contemporary learning had long since been
transferred to virtuality. People slid into their pods to mingle with teachers,
other students, and simulation programs, and got excellent results in no time
and with minimal expense. But Right Decision Ltd. didn't cut corners, and out
of a sense of duty I decided to comply.
Helen was waiting for me in the empty hall, ready to
absorb the wisdom of my experience. Just like a million years ago, instead of a
tablet she had a graph-ruled exercise book and a ballpoint pen. Where did she
even manage to find them? Couldn't you find an ink pot, my little eager beaver?
Instead of the expected lecture, I dumped a stack of printed sheets in front of
"Right. We are not going to waste each other's
time. Memorize this lot by Monday. Inside out, down to the last comma. If you
learn it earlier, call me and we can start putting theory into practice. If
not, I'll punish you on Monday."
"How?" Aghast, Helen looked from the papers
to me and back.
"I don't know yet." I frowned and said,
"Helen, don't think about the punishment. Concentrate only on fruitful
"I'm not asking about the punishment," she
said, raising her voice. "How am I supposed to learn all this? Don't you
have an electronic version? I could throw it in the emulator and listen to it
in the pod."
"Not likely, my girl! It wouldn't be corporate to
use the blessings of civilization like that. What's your character in
"A paladin."
"There you go. You like facing hardship head on.
Open the first page and read it to yourself. If you don't get it, read it
again. Quote it from memory. If you make a mistake, read it again. Repeat the
cycle until you've learnt it all by frigging heart. During this time I will
allow you to use swear words in conversation with me, to make the learning
process easier."
"I… I'll tell grandma! This is absolute
nonsense!" shrieked the girl.
"Then I'll punish her too. I choose the teaching
method. Of course if grandma doesn't
agree, everything's open to discussion," I said calmly.
"Hch-hm," resounded the diplomatic cough of
the HR boss from a speaker. "Maria sees no need to interfere and revise
the terms of your socialization. Old methods of instruction are just as valid
as new ones."
I broke out in a wide smile. "As you wish."
"We're not allowed to spend personal time on
work. Had you forgotten?" continued the girl stubbornly.
"You will learn everything by end of business
today," stressed Maria.
"But there are two hundred and thirty-six pages
of font size ten! I'd rather die than learn all this using your old-fashioned
"Helen! Don't be so childish! Have you been given
a task?" barked Maria in such a tone it went right through even me.
"Yes," said the girl in a whisper. Grandma
was perfectly capable of becoming a strict department head when she saw fit.
The faded Helen collected her papers and headed for the door.
"Helen, why are you such a muddlehead? No one's
taken the scanner away," her beloved grandmother grumbled after her. Helen
paused for a second, and with a shriek of, "Thanks, grandma," she
flew off to fulfil her task.
"Maria, I could use a lawyer," I said before
the lady signed off. "I want a consultation on a personal matter. Would
that be possible?"
"It would. They'll help you in reception. Come
and see me afterwards. And Brody, don't scare the girl. Otherwise it'll be me
doing the swearing. And we don't want that now, do we?" came the reply,
before the intercom shut off.
I could have argued with Maria about how to educate
the youth, but she was right, I genuinely didn't want that. After quickly
squaring everything with Helen as planned, I went to reception, where Victoria
was leafing lazily through pages on a tablet. I approached and strained my neck
to have a peek at how the director's assistant entertained herself when she was
left alone. No doubt reading valuable advice from silly women's magazines.
Noticing my interest, she turned off the screen, not allowing me to confirm my
"Good morning, Brody. How can I help?" Her
right brow was raised high, demonstrating a disparity between her polite tone
and her real feelings concerning my early appearance. A display of true
"Good morning, Victoria. Could I talk to the company
lawyer concerning a personal matter?"
"What matter?"
"A personal one."
"Brody, what kind of lawyer are you interested
in?" she asked, rolling her eyes pointedly and making me feel stupid.
"A civil one."
"You can talk to me."
"You're a civil lawyer?" I didn't believe
"Does that make you feel uncomfortable?"
Victoria could work her eyebrows superbly.
"No, not at all." I shrugged. I wouldn't
have been surprised if she earned some extra cash cleaning the office after
work. You never know. "I need some advice concerning a citizen-welfare
"Brody, could you dispense with the verbiage and
be a bit more specific?" She still looked relaxed, but I discerned a
barely noticeable change in her posture.
"I have a childhood friend. I recently found out
he's on a social contract. How can we get it annulled?"
"You want to become socialized in favour of your
friend?" Her voice became icy. "That's a bad idea, Brody."
"No, I just want to help him. And please don't
lecture me." I drew forward. She wrinkled her nose.
"Have you been drinking?" she asked.
Jeez! How keen is your sense of smell to sniff out a
drop of cognac?
"Just coffee." I urgently had to regain face
and feign unease. "I had a pod installed late last night, and decided to
try total immersion. I didn't get any sleep, and this morning I mistook a
bottle of cognac for a bottle of syrup. It happens."
Victoria narrowed her eyes sceptically. "You do
understand how stupid that sounds?"
"I understand," I said, smiling widely.
"But it's the truth. You've seen my resume. No problems with alcohol. So
what about this consultation?"
"You'll get your consultation. But first tell me,
why do you want to restore someone who's already given up and gone to
Barliona?" The secretary looked like someone who was confident in her
right to demand answers. I tensed up.
"He's my only friend."
"Okay, so you get your friend out. What
then?" She narrowed her eyes further, unpleasantly now, and leaned in
towards me. "If you don't succeed, you are aware that your friend will
burn up? Will you be able to forgive yourself?"
I felt uncomfortable with the turn our conversation
had taken. Victoria was conducting the interrogation harshly. However, my gut
feeling was not to get pissy, but to calmly convince her of the seriousness of
my intentions.
"Burning up" was a real threat for people
who were forever returning to the shelter. Not for everyone, of course – for
about ten percent – but it was enough for folks to start talking about the
problem. Something broke inside people, robbing them of their self-awareness.
All that remained was a body, and the ability to eat, sleep, breathe, and
defecate. In all other senses the person was as good as dead. Interestingly,
the luminaries of science could find no evidence of damage to the brain on
either a physical or a spiritual level. There was also the question of what was
worse: disappearing into Barliona forever, or burning up.
"I'll have nothing to forgive myself for. I'll
sign him up for retraining. You can't do that in the shelter, because the
social pods are only connected to Barliona servers. He'll get certified, and
then we'll find him a job. The Imitators aren't everywhere."
"Repeat that to yourself more often." The
lady averted her gaze, and now answered me as a generic lawyer. "Citizens
on a social contract may have their contract annulled only if they can provide
evidence of financial security. It might be a work contract, in reality or
virtuality, it doesn't matter, the main thing is it's not short-term. Or if the
citizen is a dependent, according to family legislation. But that's irrelevant
to you. Or are you related?"
"No. Do they demand a regular income?"
"It must be equal to or more than minimum wage.
There are no stipulations concerning the kind of work. General director or
street sweeper. But it must be official. You can also register your
relationship, in which case we'll consider it as a factor in your
socialization." There wasn't a trace of a smile in the woman's eyes. I
wondered if she was always like that, or it was just a reaction to my question.
"No, thank you. We'll get by old school. For the
training period I'll take him on as a driver or personal assistant. I've seen
my neighbors do it. It shouldn't raise any questions."
"No, it shouldn't. Brody, I must repeat that if
you can't find your friend a job, after he returns to the shelter he may burn
up completely. And you'll have no more friends." There was a hint of
something other than human sympathy in Victoria's voice. "Have a good
think before signing a contract and registering him with the municipality. And
it would be better if your friend decided for himself if he really needs this
or not."
It was a harsh point, but fair, though nobody in the
world could have convinced me we wouldn't make it work. After thanking Victoria
and taking my leave, I went to see Maria. No lessons were planned for that day,
and I wanted to sort Matt out as soon as possible.
"Brody, Nathan likes the way you've got into the
swing of things. He thinks that for the period of your training you can run a
course for all candidates."
"Why all? We could just work with the ones that
are taken on."
"The company can afford to work with everyone.
Even if we reject a candidate, a course like that will still be useful to them.
Don't forget, people have lost their jobs. Live interaction will encourage them
and help them determine their future."
"I understand. What will I have to do?"
"Design a five-day course. Candidates will be
sent to you every week in groups of five to seven. When you finish on Friday
you will write me a short report. As a former director you will immediately see
who works well in a team and who is a lone wolf. You evaluate only their
professional qualities and whether they can adapt or not. Helen will help you
with everything, and study at the same time. Then later she'll take over."
"Okay. I'll have everything ready by Monday."
"I wouldn't expect anything less." Maria
nodded her satisfaction and sighed. "Brody, stop this nonsense. What was
wrong with the pod? It's a quick and effective way to study. You can only
reject the blessings of civilization to achieve certain goals, not out of
"That's the way it was, Maria!" I pretended
I didn't know what she was talking about. "Firstly, Helen must be able to
solve problem situations. Secondly, since it didn't occur to her to use the
scanner, she would have learned to calmly get into a routine. I understand your
loyalty to her, but the youth need conditioning."
"The youth indeed. I understand your position.
Have a good weekend."
Organizing a work contract was no problem. The
Imitators in the municipality blocked part of my finances to provide six
months' salary, accepted my pledge that I would provide the employee with
permanent accommodation, and gave the go-ahead to annul the social contract.
Now I just had to convince my friend.
"Ahh, that's good," said Matt, taking a large
swig of beer. I stretched myself out beside him and was quiet, allowing him to
offload. "Just to sit and look, and not worry some bandit's about to lynch
you from behind. Not to have to hide or be on the look out. To appreciate what
you're eating. Can you hear my stomach rumbling? Music to the ears! The last
year's been terrible. Sometimes I climb out of the pod and punch the wall till
my fist bleeds. It's nothing to worry about, I'm fine. In the pod you quickly
forget what it is to feel, but punch the wall and you immediately understand
that it's for real out here. Blood, pain, friendship, love. And that you
climbed out into reality for a good reason. Get it?"
"I get it, Matt. Actually, I have a proposal for
you." It seemed like the right time. "Come and live with me."
"Yeah right. I'll just throw off these leg irons
and run and get my stuff." Matt sniggered and shook his bracelet.
"This is no place for vagrants."
"I'm not joking," I said, getting out my
tablet and showing him the documents. "By decision of the municipality, I
can hire a personal assistant, and provide him accommodation and a stipend of a
thousand credits a month. Official employment with all the trimmings. They've
already approved the annulment of your social contract. If you agree, that
"Rom…," his voice faltered.
"Matt, don't get all emotional. I need a friend,
not an assistant. Alive and healthy. And your kids need you too. I'm not doing
this for the laugh, so don't think I am. You're going to be working like a dog.
In six months you've got to finish the course and get certified. Staying in the
shelter is not an option. You know your pods are only connected to the game.
Engineers will always be in demand, and with certification you'll find work
"I haven't got anything to pay for training
with," said Matt, turning gloomy. "Banks don't give loans if you have
a shelter back story."
"I'm not a bank, and I'll give you one. You can
pay it back when you find a job." I tapped on the screen and showed him a
list of vacancies for engineers. "Look how much work there is. Get trained
up, get certified, and off you go. Barliona isn't going anywhere. There'll be
plenty of time for playing. Well, what do you reckon?"
"I'm thinking," he mumbled.
I gave him a minute, then said, "Finished?"
"Finished what?"
"Thinking about burning up?"
"What freaking burning up? Leaving Barliona and
burning up are the same bloody thing! I don't want to be a burden on you."
"Don't be daft. Put your finger on the scanner
and let's do this. You're not going to be a burden."
"What, that's it?" he asked incredulously. I
"You're kidding," he muttered and touched
the screen. A metallic clicking sound, and the bracelet unlocked and fell into
his lap. The liberation was symbolic – the manacles were off but they didn't
disappear, a reminder of the time factor and the dwindling finances. We had
half a year to get our feet on the ground.
We went straight to the municipality, where we handed
in the tag of slavery and officially confirmed Matt's status. Then we went to
the sales office for a new pod. He refused point blank to accept a professional
model, and I didn't force the issue, as I understood how he felt. I didn't
forget myself either, reducing my pain threshold to ten percent and buying a
Mailbox and a Communication Amulet. Together they cost me nearly two hundred
and twenty credits. No small sum for standard gaming communication gadgets. We
took the installation guys home with us. After the age it had taken to install
the professional model, the standard pod only took half an hour.
"Bloody hell! What on earth do you need a mansion
like this for?" Matt entered the house and was immediately impressed.
"Andrea wanted to live in sector two, so I rented
this as soon as my salary would allow. Then she left, and I couldn't be
bothered to move. I got used to it."
"Shit, you're an oligarch! I bet you've got a
miniature golf course in the back garden."
"Uh-huh, and a wine cellar." It was amusing
to see Matt in such wonder. I was so used to it I'd stopped noticing.
"Where's this wine cellar? Are you going to give
me the grand tour?" he asked.
I tried to insist on a full excursion, but he didn't
want to hear it. As a result, we sat on the steps in the cellar, uncorking
bottle after bottle. That day Matt didn't even find out about the billiards
room and small swimming pool. Never mind, all in good time. He had his
restoration to celebrate, and nobody has nerves of steel. He wound down to the
max, me keeping him company officially, and as soon as he passed out I lugged
him up to his room and onto his bed, to have a good sleep and then remember what
a hangover was. Without the robodoctor. It would be good for his health to
sober up by himself. Who was complaining about not having any feelings?
After wandering around the house for a bit, trying to
get used to not living alone anymore, in lieu of dinner I slipped into the pod.
Everything else could wait. Now I wanted to sort out those tieflings and demon
hunters, since all the information on them in the Internet I'd have to pay for.
A few minutes of initiation, and my hooves were shining in the dull rays of the
Barliona sun. Welcome back. Kvalen, in his familiar canvas trousers and shirt,
with no protection, was resurrected in the middle of a small temple made of
sand, surrounded by smooth boulders. Up ahead, about two hundred meters, were
some wooden buildings like old barracks, whence came a ringing sound, shouts,
and an unpleasant smell. No, not a smell. Something imperceptible, without
distinct qualities, yet invoking an unpleasant sensation of chill. Trees grew
all around, and try as I might to make anything out through them, I could see
nothing. Only tables of properties popping up and obscuring the already limited
view – common maple, crumbly oak, heather shrub, magnolia vine. I gave several
mental orders, after which everything began to appear only on request. Although
there was now a good view of the mountain range which concealed the horizon
line. I could even see the snowy peaks without binoculars. The location was
picturesque and fairly sizeable.
"Are you going to be admiring the view for long?"
An unpleasant voice distracted me from studying the landscape, and alongside me
materialized an NPC marked, "without level". The human called Tarlin
turned out to be a demon hunter like me. His face was disfigured with scars, as
though it had suffered a bear clawing, his right ear was completely gone, and
he had a prosthetic left hand. But none of this stopped him from training new
recruits, for Tarlin was the drill sergeant of the training camp.
"I don't know," I replied. My previous
Barliona experience had taught me that picking a fight with an NPC for no
reason was more trouble than it was worth.
"I'll give you a pointer." He was courtesy
itself. "You see the barrack? You have precisely thirty seconds to reach
it. If you don't make it, you're toast. A fast-track plunge into the Abyss.
What are you waiting for? At the double, march!"
I couldn't remember the last time I'd run anywhere, so
I decided straight away to challenge the sergeant. Slowly, maintaining
composure and dignity, I left the temple and headed for the designated barrack.
Generals don't run, they relocate decorously. If you set off at a gallop so
much as once, someone's guaranteed to put a saddle on you or harness you to a
cart. Like I had nothing better to do than run!
"So that's the way it is, huh?" Tarlin said
knowingly, before the ground suddenly disappeared from under my hooves. My back
and buttocks hurt like hell, and the space in front of me began to spin at an
incredible speed. I didn't immediately realise that the instructor had grabbed
me by the tail and begun to whirl me round like a hammer. And in the same way,
like a hammer, he launched me towards the barrack. I had the wind knocked out
of me first by the flight, and then by the sensation of free fall. It wasn't
classified as dangerous, so it wasn't blocked by the system. My crotch tickled
unpleasantly – I'd always hated fairground rides and everything to do with
them; even skiing and skating made me feel sick.
No matter how I tried to level myself out in flight,
maneuvering my arms like an eagle its wings, it was all in vain. I hit the
ground horns first, and the impact knocked my combative mood for six, despite
my ten percent pain threshold.
Damage sustained!
decreased by 99: 1500 (fall to ground) – 0 (physical protection)
Remaining Health:
1 out of 100
I managed just one convulsive breath out before Tarlin
was by my side, repeating the throw and reducing the distance between me and
the barrack. Then again. And again. I didn't sustain any more damage – Health
had frozen at "1", and didn't wish to decrease all the way to
"0", which would strip me of the possibility to avoid competing in
athletics competitions as a missile. In the nursery – for a training camp
cannot be anything but – it is impossible to destroy a player.
"The exit's over there. Go and wave your attitude
around in the open world!" With one more throwing motion, Tarlin hurled me
all the way to a shimmering sphere, a one-and-a-half-meter ball of lightning,
and the second I landed, electrical charges flickered over the surface of the
portal. Next to it, frozen like an idol, stood a small demon. Its pathetic mug
and total absence of wit indicated that all that was left of it was its skin.
The Light ones had burned out its essence, leaving him one function – to manage
the portal.
Reference information
in Barliona
Static: Connect
two points in space. Operated by subjugated demons. Not available for
acquisition by players for personal use; located in large cities or key
points in Barliona.
Breach: Have
a static point of departure and a dynamic point of arrival. The static point
is operated by subjugated demon, whose level must be at least five times
higher than the level of the lock. The portal takes energy directly from the
lock. A portal demon cannot be bought, it can only be subjugated, have its
essence burned out, and be tethered to a portal.
Custom: Created
by three Wizards. Enable transfer to any point on the continent. Cost of
maintenance: 30 % Energy per minute; Energy potions may be used during
by wizards, both NPCs and players. Enable transfer from any point on the
continent to a specific point indicated in the scroll. Cost of using scroll
always set according to zone 5.
of distance and cost
charges a fee for using all types of portal. Players may set a surcharge to
make a profit, usually 10–20 % of cost of transfer.
· Zone 1. 0–50 km. Cost: 11 gold
· Zone 2. 51–100 km. Cost: 32 gold
· Zone 3. 101–200 km. Cost: 84 gold
· Zone 4. 201–300 km. Cost: 137 gold
· Zone 5. 301+ km. Cost: 210 gold
After creating a character, any player could leave the
nursery without training if they considered they had the strength to bring all
comers to heel. All abilities could easily be gained automatically, without
instuctors. This was done for those impatient ones who thought the open world
more attractive than the nursery. I was not one of them; I had plenty to do in
the training camp.
Tarlin took my silent inaction as a sign of
resignation and, readjusting his grip on my tail, dragged me back to my point
of rebirth, clearly longing to see me run. A couple of times the interested
faces of demon hunters flashed by, among whom I could make out a human, an orc,
two elves, and not a single tiefling. The players grinned as they watched me
go. Evidently it wasn't every day they got to observe the taming of a shrewish
When we got back to the point, the instructor flipped
me over onto my feet. Drums and flutes began to play in my head from the abrupt
change of position, and I felt sick again. It seemed my vestibular apparatus
was not yet adjusted to the new reality. Tarlin produced a flask, forced my
mouth open, and poured the contents into me. I had to swallow, or else I risked
choking. The nausea past immediately, and my Health level shot up to maximum.
"The barracks! Thirty seconds! At the double,
march!" Tarlin rapped out, making no secret of his hostility.
This time I didn't argue. It isn't a sin for generals
to run during hostilities. I shot off so fast my hooves sparked, but when I got
to the designated point, I froze and considered how I felt. In the real world,
any acceleration without warming up meant wheezing and giddiness; here I didn't
so much as pant. I liked the feeling of having an agile, lissom, strong body.
Tarlin stood next to me and didn't intervene. He waited patiently until I
familiarized myself with my recently created character. I opened the
characteristics window and became absorbed in reading.

What first caught my eye was the absence of
Liveliness. The very same headache which had made everyone more attentive to
the game. You'd constantly had to remember how long you could run, jump, use
your abilities, and carry out physical activities. Even I, a lowly level-ten
player, had my fill of sorrow with Liveliness. One day I was whacking a hare in
a clearing, but didn't notice my Liveliness level in time, and dropped to the
ground like I'd been poleaxed. I couldn't stand, couldn't sit, couldn't move my
arm. There was no one about to pour water into my mouth, so I simply lay there,
enjoying the clouds and waiting for automatic recovery. But the fluffy beast
didn't wait, and began to knaw at me like a carrot, forgetting it was a
herbivore. Level one hare-mob gnaws level-five player! If Barliona had a Darwin
Award for the stupidest death, I would definitely have won it. And more than
once. Now there was no Liveliness and you could work out actively and not worry
about getting tired. It's probably the only time when advocates and opponents
of changes in Barliona were united – without Liveliness the game became more
dynamic and easier to master.
I did a few squats, eyeing the table carefully.
Nothing changed, but the "3" on the Agility scale showed that skills
grew during the process of carrying out an action. The four turtles holding up
the mechanism of Barliona were included in the Main Characteristics block, and
were called Stamina, Strength, Intellect and Agility. All parameters depended
on them, from Energy and Health, to Attack and Chance of Avoidance. Each
characteristic had its own scale of growth. Squats didn't increase anything,
but running at full speed had an impact on Agility. The people on the forums
were right – now the scale filled up only as a result of real physical
exertion. You couldn't boost Agility by sitting in a chair, dangling your feet
and picking your nose. You had to run, swim or jump, balls to the wall. Then
"mass" would grow too, just like in reality. When you gained a new
level, your main characteristics automatically increased by a point and you
earned two bonus points, which you could spend on either additional
characteristics or a specialization. You couldn't boost the four turtles like
that. If you hadn't assigned your bonus points within five minutes of levelling
up, the game did it for you. If there was nowhere to assign them, they burned
up. Not very nice, but very convenient for beginners. Especially those who
didn't like spending time to "think," considering it a relic of the
There was nothing else of interest in the
characteristics window. Attack and Protection had some formulae, but I wanted
to deal with them with a calculator, and in reality. There was no reminder of
the bonus for registration, which was disappointing. Everything else was
"Twenty-eight seconds!" Tarlin waited for me
to get bored of looking at my virtual doll, then continued to roast me.
"Two hundred meters in twenty-eight seconds! Were you running on all
"I can't go any faster, I need to train," I
said honestly. In the real world, honesty and self-criticism were an excellent
way to disarm your opponent. Why shouldn't it work in Barliona?
"So what are you doing here when the training
camp's empty?" The instructor abruptly changed the course of the
conversation. Now I was guilty of not training. Which was better than being
seen as a weakling.
"Can you begin by enlightening the
unenlightened?" I stuck to my guns. "Which course is meant for
newbies? I don't want to turn up at the advanced one and have everyone die
laughing at my failure. Who would be responsible for their deaths?"
"You're going to retch like a pregnant tortoise
on the first one anyway." The impervious instructor waved a hand in the
direction of the assault course. "It's that way. The instructor's name is
master Gurt. Muster is every six hours. Latecomers and no-shows take a dive
into the Abyss. You'll be living in this barrack. Go and register, then get
training, newbie. I don't want to see you until you've completed the course
with full marks.
Task received: Step 1. Start of training
Class-specific task. Complete newbie assault course. Minimum completion score:
7 out of 10. Completion time unlimited.
Experience +5
with Light of Barliona faction +1
Access to
next training step
Bonus for
course completion with full marks: +1 to all main characteristics
First up I went to check out the barrack. It was
almost empty, only one of the twenty bunks occupied. The game obligingly
offered me the choice of the free ones, and since I wasn't planning to spend
the night in Barliona, I put my hand on the bed closest to the exit. I froze.
Only now did it strike me how easy it was to walk on hooves; no less so than on
feet. And I might have been born with a tail. Focusing on my glutes, I wiggled
my buttocks. A good looking lad! Pfft, a good tail, and it would come in handy
in the game, as a third lower limb or an extra argument in a fistfight. The
main thing was to tense the right buttock at the right time. Imagining my
backside clenching there and then in the pod, I couldn't resist a sarcastic
smile. So that was it, the tieflings' bonus – a toned butt for free! I would
have to push the idea to the masses on a women's forum. It was quick and cheap,
and if you waved it around like a huge fan, in a month you could be posting
"before and after" photos.
"What are you smiling about, goat?" A gruff
voice returned me to the game. Here we go!
Two level-three players barred the way to the training
camp. Braksed the elf and Kurtune the human, sharing the second name
Vartalinsky. They must have been brothers, at least in mind. Outwardly the pair
looked very different from the players hovering behind them. If the rest wore
simple shirts and trousers, and many even had no shoes, Braksed and Kurtune
were not badly kitted out: full leather armour, rings, chains, helmets, and
heavy belts with several bags. Even by my inexperienced reckoning they were
dressed more than sufficiently for level three of a closed location. What were
guys like those doing in the nursery?
"Smell the light!"
Something bright lit up in the hands of the elf, and
the light produced an unpleasant chill in my body, making me twitch. The
feeling was the same as when I was reborn in the temple. Back then I'd thought
it was a smell, but I was wrong – it was the effect that light magic had on me.
The closer it came, the worse the pain and shivering. Reflexively I shoved a
fist out in front, wanting to punch the scumbag, but it went straight through Braksed
completely unhindered. They couldn't lay into me on the training camp, but
ruining a tiefling's physical and mental health with light magic would be a
piece of cake.
"I don't get it," frowned Braksed, turning a
blind eye to my attempt at retribution. "Why isn't he doubled up?"
"You're all fingers and thumbs," said
Kurtune. "Give it here."
He grabbed the shining sphere and set it to maximum
brightness. These guys were in a group together because they could collaborate.
My body felt the chill once more. I'd reduced my sensitivity threshold to ten
percent just in time.
"What's going on here?" Supervising
Instructor Drumm appeared just as the pointlessness of the Vartalinskys'
actions was becoming apparent. The menacing werewolf, covered from head to toe
in thick fur, looked funny in his demon hunter's leather clothes, but his
natural charm, bestowed on him by Barliona's artists, precluded any joking on
the subject – his contemptuously raised upper lip bared sharp fangs, and the
look he gave to everyone around was particularly noteworthy. It was the look
you gave to the dead wood beneath your feet.
"Let's exorcise demons!" laughed Braksed and
Kurtune, ignoring the charisma of the NPC. I breathed a sigh of relief – there
were even school kids here! These two were no older than twenty, and had no
brains and no brakes, but enough attitude to pave a road out in the sticks.
Mummy and daddy had given them money, but not bothered with manners. The gilded
youth in all its loathsome glory. Adolescents who had lost their minds to
overindulgence and tedium. Multiply that by the opportunities of Barliona, and
you get players with no mind at all disobeying the rules.
"The light of Eluna has little effect on
tieflings. If you want to banish a half-demon, ask your parents to buy you a
brain." NPCs could also pick out the golden guys. "Have you completed
my task?"
"No." Kurtune stroppily screwed up his face.
"We've still got two hours."
"I'll be waiting for your
results. Put the Drop of Light back where it belongs. You'll be penalized for
using it." Drumm cast another disdainful glance over us and went off to
attend to his business. The scene was boring without him, so I went to find the
newbie assault course.
"Flea-ridden mutt," spat
Braksed. "Three thousand gold!"
"Forget it, our folks will cough up."
Kurtune waved it away and called to me: "We haven't finished with you,
He got no reaction, so he caught me up and blocked my
path, but I walked right through him like he wasn't there. Blatant disregard is
one of the most terrifying punishments for them. At home they were used to
everyone licking their asses, and they demanded the same here. Braksed shouted
after me that he'd find me in reality and chastize me, but all my attention was
now on the training camp.
Next to the portal was a small muster station. On one
side of it stood barracks – four for players and one for instructors. On the
other side were two assault courses enclosed by a low fence. A newbie course
and a basic course. Beyond them were another two – the mid- and high-level
courses, along with an obscure wooden tower similar to a high diving board.
"Minimalism and practicality" was evidently the guiding motto of the
cartographer who created this place. A huge hullabaloo and the shouts of the
instructors could be heard – the training process was in full swing.
"We haven't finished with you yet!" I caught
one last threat from behind me before I stepped onto the course and all
external sounds disappeared – the magic fence had superb sound insulation, and
only let noise out. Nothing should distract a student from his training. The
newbies' course consisted of ten obstacles one after another. You had to walk,
crawl, run or jump, avoiding a swinging axe, spiked clubs, firewalls, sharp
spears, and other devices that would hamper your painless transfer from point A
to point B. There were no safety mats or stage props, only red-hot iron and
fire. There was a player on the course as I arrived. He skipped nimbly under
the swinging chopper, flew between the incandescent slabs, scarcely touching
them, scrambled adroitly over the barbed-wire net, and frustratingly didn't
react in time to a spike appearing from out of the ground.
"Seven out of ten, an excellent result,"
boomed master Gurt, a green orc. "Marcon the Spoiled, I give you access to
the basic level. Access to this course remains open to you until you complete
all ten obstacles. Next!"
Marcon's fall didn't send him to be regenerated – with
one Health point he lay on the ground and waited for a healer. The next player
stepped onto the course. He passed the first three tests with relative ease,
but a powerful blow to the chest on the fourth knocked him out.
"Three out of ten. You're a waste of space!"
Gurt was not happy with progress. "Number four to the start!"
The number "11" appeared in the upper part
of my viewer – I had evidently received an electronic ticket to join the queue
of fortunate souls. The bad news was that I had to attempt the course without
any previous training.
"Number four to the start!" repeated Gurt
Number four was in no hurry to take his place, making
everyone wait. Players milled about, exchanging quizzical glances and wondering
whose turn it was.
"Eredani!" Gurt shouted out a familiar name.
"Where the hell are you? On the course, at the double!"
Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move over
by the fence. Eredani sat and looked gloomily at the course, ignoring the
instructor and everyone else.
"You want to go back to the Abyss?" asked
Gurt, and the tiefling twitched. Begrudgingly Eredani stood up and moved slowly
to the start, dragging his tail flaccidly. After clambering up onto the
platform, my horned fellow tribesman shivered, closed his eyes and took off at
a pace. The first test was the slabs crashing into each other. Even I, who had
never once stepped on a course before, could have got through, but not Eredani.
The slabs collided, crushing the tiefling under the sound of his doleful
"oofs" and "aahs", and a second later we watched
empathetically as a compacted briquette fell to the ground.
"Again?! Nought out of ten. Waste of space.
The duty priestess restored the tiefling's health, and
Eredani quietly headed back to his place by the fence. I went a little closer
to the course, to train mentally along with the players attempting it. It would
very soon be my turn, and of all my predecessors, nobody had got further than the
fifth test, which was making Gurt all the more angry and disconsolate. When my
turn came, the orc just waved a paw, unhopeful of my success. And I must admit
I didn't let him down. The first test really was too elementary to embarrass
myself on. But next came the spikes popping up from below, and no matter how
long I studied them for, I could see no pattern in their appearance. As a
result I crashed out almost immediately, straight after passing the first test.
"One out of ten. Waste of space!" said Gurt.
He had a good look round the group and said, "Get training! You're demon
hunters, not legless, blind pieces of meat! You've got to be quick and agile,
not slow, crawling tortoises! The next test is in five hours. Get to
The training camp shimmered and faded, and in its
place appeared ten separate simulators, the same as on the course, only you
weren't required to have completed the previous levels. Players rushed to their
problem sections to work on their movements. I noticed that several demon hunters
were able to train simultaneously on the same piece of equipment, passing
effortlessly through each other's projections. Each had its own virtuality,
which was both good and bad. Good because you could watch and repeat the
movements of an experienced player. Bad because you could become confused with
all the projections, and not notice a trap under your feet. Before joining the
others, I wanted to clear up an important question with the instructor.
"What's the point of training?" I asked Gurt
as he approached. "We're newbies. Shouldn't you be teaching us
"If it's abilities you need, the portal's just
there," he said irritatedly and pointed at the twinkling sphere. "You
can have abilities and skills and everything you desire. While you're here, you
do as I tell you. And right now I'm telling you the Abyss awaits you. I was
going to send Eredani again, but since you're so inquisitive, you can go
instead. I can't stand loudmouths. I'll be waiting by the tower in twenty
minutes. If you're not there, you're out of the camp. Now get training!"
In my viewer appeared two timers. One was a countdown
to my Leap into the Abyss; the second was my estimated time to the tower. Very
convenient. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't forget and you wouldn't be
late. I tried to make eye contact with the other players to ask about the jump.
Unfortunately they were already aware of Gurt's temper, and looked away to
concentrate more painstakingly on their exercises, paying no interest in what
was happening around them.
Only the tiefling Eredani remained sitting by the
fence, not even attempting to climb onto the simulators. Just the chap I
needed. Gurt said he'd been in the Abyss. Eredani watched distrustfully as I
approached and sat down next to him.
"I've been sent to the Abyss. Can you help?"
If you want to get in with someone, make them feel
superior. A request for help is a good start, as you can kill several birds
with one question: show him his importance and your helplessness, and most
importantly, discover more about him. That way you'll know immediately if he's
a degenerate.
"How? Go instead of you?" Eredani's voice
was neither friendly nor malicious. It was the voice of someone who wanted to
be left alone.
"No, I'll be fine. But there's nothing in the
guides about the Abyss, let alone about jumping into it. I'm led to believe
you've been there. What can I expect?"
"A thousand gold," he said. But of course! A
player from a social shelter couldn't not think about money. A thousand gold
was an average monthly wage in our world. Not bad for a simple question.
"I see. Forget it then. Good luck in the
game." I stood up, intending to pass at least one test before the Abyss,
despite still not understanding what they were for.
"Wait," said Eredani. "How did you end
up a tiefling?"
"You mentioned something about a thousand
gold," I shot back. "I'll tell you with pleasure."
"An exchange? Information for information?"
"Sure." I sat back down. I saw nothing wrong
with disclosing the secret of my birth, since any player could read about it on
the site, but I'd just heard about the Abyss for the first time. "You
first," I said.
"Agreement." This one word made me take
Eredani seriously. And when I read the text he gave me, he gained my respect.
He didn't offer me a standard agreement on ten pages of unintelligible,
confusing text, but rather a one-page document on which our exchange was
clearly described. You have to work with contracts for many years to be able to
whip up a sample like that out of thin air.
"It's a quality text, thank you." I signed
the document.
"Thank you for what?" Eredani didn't
"For the pleasure of reading a literately
drawn-up contract. There are too many windbags around. Lots of clever phrases,
but no common sense."
"Are you a lawyer?"
"No. You have to edit documents after them
"What's a bright fellow like you doing in
Barliona during working hours? Have they abolished office slavery?"
"Waving my tail about and butting folk with my
horns. Let's make it a closed agreement." I wasn't about to divulge my
personal information to the first person I came across.
"Okay. How did you become a tiefling?"
Eredani managed to ask the first question. I calmly told him about the bonus
and the random generation of my character. Everything was open source, so he
could check for himself. A green tick appeared next to my name on the list of
current agreements. Barliona was acknowledging that I had completely fulfilled
my part of the contract.
Eredani was
silent for a time, staring blankly ahead. I was just beginning to worry about
him, when he suggested another exchange.
"I don't want to say it out loud," he
explained and sent me the text of another agreement. "A free piece of
advice for the future – keep quiet about how you became a tiefling. It's a
closed race, not accessible to players. They're running tests at the moment.
Most likely you were taken on to test the effect of the bonus on class and race
He was quiet again, allowing me to read the new
agreement. In order to give information to another player, you needed writing
implements and paper, which cost money. So as not to spend money on paper, the
cunning bugger had put everything he knew about the Abyss in the text of the
agreement. Regardless of the fact that he was level one, Eredani was far from a
newbie in Barliona.
Scrolling down to the right place, I immersed myself
in reading. What was a leap into the Abyss? A long rope was tied to the
player's legs, and he was pushed off a platform into a separate location called
the Abyss. Most demon hunters hauled weapons out of there. Then they purified
them using Eluna magic, and gained enhanced attacking properties against the
beasts of the Abyss. Some managed to retrieve armour; others – accessories.
Players had even begun trading extracted objects. But there was a minus – every
leap was accompanied by maximum possible pain. Jumpers had to remember that the
Abyss was not intended for live players. Even if you turned sensations
completely off, the leap enabled an Abyss debuff, which increased sensations by
ten percent and was disabled only when you left the training camp. Anybody
could survive one jump; some could survive two; only the few could survive
more. However, as Eredani had written, this was all irrelevant to tieflings,
for in the Abyss you were looking for weapons. Your task was to lasso yourself
a demon, suppress it, and use your abilities to constantly recharge your remote
demonic essence. In this lay the enormous difference between our class of
tieflings and the other races. Everyone else used light magic, while we used
demonic magic. It was a parallel path of development, which is why they ran the
test, because they needed to evaluate the balance of the class. Eredani hadn't
written anything about capturing demons, because he logged out for his leaps.
So basically he hadn't told me anything directly useful to me. General
information about everything and nothing. You call that experience? Barliona,
however, was satisfied, and with a second green tick the agreement was closed.
"I overheard your question to the instructor. We
could do another exchange of information," Suggested Eredani.
"For what?" I asked.
Eredani was turning out to be quite the wheeler dealer.
"What did you leave behind in
Barliona?" For some reason he was curious about my presence in the game.
"That's personal information,
and I'm not exchanging it for the nonsense you gave me. I can read about
training on the forum myself. I haven't asked why a social player with so much
experience is only on level one and his sensations aren't turned up to the
specified thirty percent."
"And you are right not to
ask," he sneered. "You won't be told where to get off."
"Fine. I'll go and try a couple
of obstacles before the jump. Thanks for the agreement, it'll come in handy as
a template. By the way, I'm Brody."
I extended my hand to him. Being
called by your real name in Barliona wasn't the done thing, although it wasn't
forbidden either. As a profoundly real person, it was far more usual for me to
call someone Dave than AFingerUpYourNose. The tiefling's eyebrows shot up when
he understood my gesture; he wasn't expecting it. There followed a second's
bewilderment, before he nonetheless shook my hand:
"Victor. But I prefer
"Noted. Good luck in the
I only had time for the spike test.
On the first attempt I understood that the spot where the spike appeared from
rippled ever so slightly just before it shot up. Just a second, but in theory
it was enough to skip to a safe section. In training the spikes didn't cause
any damage, only pain, and you were flung to the ground, just like in the real
thing. After three attempts I understood it wasn't my day. I didn't move my leg
or my arm or my tail out of the way in time, and each time the spikes knocked
me down.
The timer began to flash red – I had
to get to the tower fast. The navigation arrow showed me which way to go, and I
legged it as fast as I could. Again I had no shortness of breath or decrease in
speed or any other parameter. I felt like Superman, moving mountains without
turning a hair. I even jumped a few times while I was running, to check how
high you could go, and I left the ground by a whole two metres. Working as a
counterweight, my tail allowed me to hold my balance going round corners. Oh,
to have skills like that in the real world!
"Up there." The duty
priestess at the entrance to the tower pointed the way up some stairs, and I
bounded up them two or three at a time. Were my adrenaline levels running high
or something? It seemed the only explanation for experiencing such exhilaration
from controlling my body. I liked being a quick and nimble tiefling.
Gurt was waiting for me on the upper
platform with a rope in his hands. There was no one else around.
"You're not just a demon
hunter. You're a tiefling," he began, tying the rope round my ankles.
"So there are different demands on you. In the Abyss, close your eyes and
feel your essence. They may have burned out the demon in you, but you can't
fool Mother Nature. She'll show you what to do next. Find a demon in the Abyss,
subjugate it, and drag it out here. We'll make a demon hunter of you, not an
empty husk. When you want to get out, tug twice and I'll pull you up. Go!"
You have started the Taming the Demon scene
Description: You can
use demonic abilities only after subjugating a demon. Complete
the test
and gain access
to abilities.
following abilities will become accessible to you: Demon Subjugation, Demon
Retribution, Demon Strike, Automatic Attack, Tail Strike.
You will be
able to gain new abilities as you level up.
The orc gave the rope a tug to check
its strength, and pushed me off the platform. "Fu-u-u-ck!" was all I
could shout. He should have warned me. An announcement flashed before my eyes,
but I couldn't read it. I tried to help myself as best I could by waving my
arms and tail around. It suddenly became cold, and a sharp pain pierced my
whole body from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. Even my horns hurt,
although I had somehow forgotten they even existed.
By the time I felt a massive jolt
bring an end to my fall, the platform was high above me. The Abyss was aptly
named – visibility was zero in the murk. But I gradually became used to the
nagging pain, and tried to get my bearings. First I brought my hand right up to
my eyes – nothing. One thing was most definitely absolute: either the darkness
surrounding me, or the transparence of my body. At least the interface icons
were in place, so I wasn't one-on-one with "nothing". Taking a deep
breath, I took Eredani's advice and began to flail my arms about, trying to
latch onto something. My hand touched cold metal, so I felt it. Whatever it
was, it was sharp, cold, and had a handle, and that was enough for me, so I
took it. I waved my free arm around some more. Nothing else. Now it was time to
use Gurt's advice. I hadn't a clue what "feel your essence" meant,
but I obediently closed my eyes and tried to tune into sensations. I was still
in pain, but it was tolerable. The tip of my tail began to itch, so I clenched
my buttocks, leant my head back, and scratched it with a horn. Two of the body
parts I'd gained in the game had already come in handy.
Progress of
the Taming the Demon scene
description: You were able to perceive your own demonic essence,
and you can now invoke a demon.
Special conditions: You are granted a
bonus for random generation of your character. The rank of your subjugated
demon will be 3 higher than standard.
At last! The first mention of the
generation bonus. I'd already begun to suspect Barliona had successfully
forgotten about it.
"Mother weeps for her
sons," came a drawled and sinister murmur. "She is grieving. Help
her! Come back! Become one of us!"
My eyes filled with tears. Mother! I
have betrayed you. I defected to the enemy, became one of… What was all this?!
Why the hell was I getting these obsessive thoughts?!
Regress of the Taming the Demon scene
Regress description: You lost
perception of your demonic essence.
Like that, is it? After chasing the
tiefling out of my head, I had become Brody West again. The rope twitched. The
supervisor had felt a change and wanted to know if I was ready to come back up.
I wasn't. I was all fired up.
My tail brushed against my horns
again, advancing the progress of the scene. The ominous murmur was right on
cue. My head swam, like after a shot of vodka on an empty stomach, but this
time I was mentally prepared. Again I pitied the outcast Ireness, deprived of
her children, and I felt utterly discouraged by the knowledge of my own
treachery, but a small, stubborn part of my conscious sneered insidiously at
these emotions thrust upon me. My identity didn't go anywhere, but it slackened
the reins and allowed the situation to develop by itself. My head hurt from
being in two consciouses simultaneously, but this pain was even an advantage
just then. It was much sharper than the pain inflicted by the Abyss, and it
helped me focus.
"Ireness wants you back! Come
with me!" The dismal murmur rang out right next to my ear. The enforced conscious
rejoiced, recognizing the voice of Ireness's daughter, the archdemoness Aniram.
Reference information
of demons in Barliona
Supreme Demon: A
creature without level. There exist only three Supreme Demons, who are the
heads of their houses. They answer directly to the Emissary of Chaos. The
Supreme Demons fight each other continually for territory. In Barliona they
can only dwell within a one-mile radius of the Ziggurat of Defiance. They are
the strategic commanders of the invasion.
Higher Demon:
A creature without level. The generals of the army invading Barliona. They
answer exclusively to their own Supreme Demon. Depending on the strength of
the Supreme Demon, at any one time between three and ten of his Higher Demons
can dwell in Barliona. They are the operative commanders of the invasion.
Their residence time in Barliona depends on the will and strength of their
Supreme Demon.
Archdemon: An
officer of the army of demons invading Barliona. They are copious in number
and strong, and subject to the invocation and suppression of their will. They
command demons and lower demons, and are always surrounded by their corteges.
They can dwell in Barliona for 6 hours, after which they are banished to the
Abyss for 18 hours. Their residence time may be increased by means of
True demon: A
deranked archdemon. Subject to the invocation and suppression of its will. A
lone wolf. They can dwell in Barliona for 12 hours, after which they are
banished to the Abyss for 12 hours. Their residence time may be increased by
means of sacrifice.
Demon: A
soldier of the army of demons invading Barliona. They are strong and have a
human intellect, due to which they are not blocked by Barliona. They are
subject to the invocation and suppression of their will. Lone wolves,
although they can unite into groups. Demons of different houses feud with
each other, and are occasionally prepared to cut deals with citizens of
Barliona in order to banish a demon of a rival house to the Abyss.
Lower demon: The
cannon fodder of the army of demons invading Barliona. Copious in number and
devoid of intellect, they are not blocked by Barliona, because it sees them
as aggressive animals. They conform to a herd instinct, and are subject to
the invocation and suppression of their will. They run in packs, and if for
some reason they become left behind, they enter hibernation.
overwhelming joy of seeing my elder sister all but totally engulfed me, but I
managed to retain consciousness by using mathematics. Previously, whenever a
member of a project team did something stupid or openly sabotaged a job, I
would mentally calculate the square of a three-digit number. You can't shout at
your subordinates; you can only discuss their degeneracy with their direct
bosses in the hope of getting a more suitable replacement. I tried as hard as I
could. Mathematics allowed me to handle my emotions then, and it helped me to
focus now – Aniram was whispering something to me about Ireness and her inner
turmoil, and I was squaring 329. Waiting until I could feel the aura right up
close to my ear, I took a wide swing with my free arm, trying to catch the
archdemoness. My hand fell on something cold and hairy, and was soon gripping a
hefty clump of hair.
"What are you doing?"
asked Aniram, before I tapped the rope twice with my pick. Gurt reacted
instantly, and I shot upwards, dragging the archdemoness behind me. She tried
to free herself without hurting me, but as soon as a glimmer of light appeared,
she sank her talons into my shoulder and started to howl, "No-o-o!"
We exited the Abyss together.
"Don't let her slip away!"
shouted the orc. Swearing, I took my newly procured instrument between my teeth
and, securing my grip on Aniram's hair, held her like a loved one, enwreathing
her with all my limbs and even my tail. Aniram squirmed frenziedly, biting and
scratching, and beating me with her tail. Her Health level dropped
instantaneously to "1" and froze. The archdemoness's luck had run out
– she couldn't kill me in the training camp.
"Stone! Hoop! Seal the outer
boundary!" Concise orders were given. The death throes of my captive
gradually abated, and my body was wracked with a chill. I opened my eyes.
Alongside Gurt stood Uldaron, the head of the camp, and Abigail, the priestess
who had purified me. The latter's hands glowed, creating a light dome. Aniram
wilted completely into a spineless doll.
"You can let her go now,"
commanded Uldaron. I unclenched my fists, and the prisoner collapsed to the
ground. The light of Eluna was concentrated on the archdemoness, releasing me
from my distress. The orc helped me to disentangle myself and stand up.
"Not a bad catch." Gurt
grabbed the pick from me, nearly knocking out my teeth in the process.
"Well balanced. Sturdy. Could take a lot of heads off."
I looked dubiously at the
ordinary-looking pick. If you removed the dark fog curling around the handle,
it was no different from any other. Gurt turned it this way and that, clicking
his tongue, before reluctantly giving it back to me.
Demon Pick of Power
Description: A rare
object, used for mining ore.
Damage: 10 (Physical)
Mining +1
Strength +1
Stamina +1
to develop Demon Sinews without forfeit
"Go and see master
Dheire," Gurt advised me. "He'll teach you to use the pick
"Don't distract him,
Gurt," said Uldaron with a reminder of the reason for our mini-muster.
Aniram was now totally drained off all willpower, and sat staring into space.
"Go, Kvalen. You must be bound."
I obeyed, though entering the dome
of Light was particularly unpleasant.
"I had to burn out your
internal demonic essence, otherwise Barliona wouldn't become home for
you," said Abigail. "But we have found a way to return tieflings to
combat. The spurious power of a demon! You can use your abilities again, though
I should warn you straight away that your demon must remain a demon, and
conscious. You can't clap on everlasting chains like the demonologists. You are
obliged constantly to crush any attempt to resist. Remember, every thirty
minutes that you use your demonic abilities, the demon will try to hurt you. If
it succeeds in taking the upper hand over you, it will return to the Abyss, and
you will have to endure the subjugation procedure again. Now get ready! You
must put your demon to sleep and strengthen the bond. I shall restore her
Two new buttons appeared on my
abilities panel. One was flashing fast and furious, inviting me to fulfil
Abigail's demand and complete the subjugation scene. I followed the directions
and Aniram disappeared. At last I was a real player with abilities.
Training a Demon scene completed
Abilities gained:
Demon Strike: You project
purified demonic energy at your opponent, inflicting 100 % damage to their
Attack parameter. The opponent must be no further than 50 meters from you.
Cannot be used in motion. Requires an active demon. Cost: 20 Energy.
Demon Retribution: A passive
ability. You subjugate a demon and gain the ability to use demon magic. The
demon resists subjugation, creating a diversion once every 30 minutes. The
demon chooses the optimal strategy to ship you to the Gray Lands. If you die,
the demon is freed and returns to the Abyss.
Demon Invocation: You
invoke/dismiss your subjugated demon.
"A good catch," said
Uldaron praisingly. "It's not every tiefling who can fish out an archdemon
first time round. If you can get along with it, you'll become a worthy warrior!
Abigail, purify the pick."
The priestess directed the light of
Eluna onto the procured object. I was concerned that the properties of the pick
might change during purification, but apart from the fog, everything remained
in place.
"Let's go." The orc
motioned me towards the newbies' assault course. "I want to see how you
use the abilities you've gained."
Task received: Demon Strike training
Description: A regular
task. Use the Demon Strike ability successfully five times in succession.
Experience +5
with Light of Barliona faction +1
I went with my gut feeling – no
changes. The fact that there was an archdemon somewhere close by, albeit
asleep, was a matter of indifference to me. Throwing the pick over my shoulder,
I trudged off after Gurt.
"Kvalen, wait a second!" A
player hailed me by the entrance to the course. Shukir the Vaunted, a
level-three human. He wasn't quite as well equipped as Braksed and Kurtune, yet
he was also clearly no simple player. His leather coat sparkled with chainmail
reinforcements, and his patchwork trousers looked built to last, but the most
striking thing distinguishing him from all the others was that he was wearing
shoes. I stopped and waited for him as he hurried towards me.
"An interesting show you put on
up in the tower," said Shukir genially. "I've been here a week, and
that's the first time a player's emerged from the Abyss hugging a demon. Can
you show me the video? I want to have a look at the beast's mug. We have to
know who we're up against, otherwise it's scary as hell. I'll even pay you. I
haven't got much gold, but I can find twenty."
"You just want the face?"
I asked. Shukir made a good first impression, especially after Braksed, Kurtune
and Eredani. He told me about his problem, asked for help, even offered to pay…
Wait a minute! That's a classic manipulation ruse. And as if to confirm my
suspicion, he added:
"Actually, the whole jump would
be better. I still have two more jumps, and what if I bump into one of them?
Did the pick come from the Abyss too? What properties does it have? Here, take
the twenty."
Crafty sod! Offers an exchange,
gives me twenty gold, then mentions the pick, shifting my attention to it. If I
was less cynical, I'd have taken the money and gladly helped the afflicted
soul. Then I'd have kicked myself – Barliona is no reality; a verbal contract
and the voluntary wish of each participant in the deal is enough there. I would
have to part with my video. But Shukir was overlooking one thing – two could
play at that game.
"No, twenty's not enough."
I dug my heels in, playing the simpleton, and declined the exchange. A demon
was nothing compared to what the camp chief whispered to me after the jump. My
Reputation had flown way up after the catch.
"Give me a break!" Shukir
didn't believe me. He couldn't not say anything; he didn't like demons.
"I swear on Barliona! Up there
Uldaron told me how to become a worthy warrior. Only an idiot would leak
information like that for twenty. And anyway, I should probably offer it to the
Phoenixes first."
I was enshrouded in a snow-white
glow – Barliona had accepted my oath. You weren't allowed to misuse such
affirmations of your words, on pain of punishment, but this was a fitting
"Consider you've already
offered it to the Phoenixes." Shukir persevered, taking the bait.
"I'm here on their behalf."
"You're lying." I eyed him
warily. "Why would they want to reset a player? Thanks, of course, but
I'll contact them directly later. Maybe. Or maybe I won't. Rumor has it the
Dark Legion are also buying up information."
"A hundred gold for the video
of your dive." Shukir upped the stakes dramatically. "And another
fifty for the pick."
I was about to milk Shukir a bit
more, when Eredani suddenly crawled out of his corner and unceremoniously
butted into our conversation.
"Kvalen, don't agree. A video
from the tower is worth substantially more than that. You're being taken for a
"Butt out, Eredani, I'm done
with you." Shukir's amiability faded.
Eredani paid him no attention and
continued to talk me round, but I was sceptical of his desire to help.
"There aren't many demon
hunters. Even fewer tieflings. Tiefling demon hunters are in single figures.
You should already have worked out for yourself the specifics of our mechanism.
If Uldaron told you something, keep it to yourself!"
Keeping calm on the outside was
difficult. What the hell was Eredani doing minding other people's business? I
had to wrap it up, but leave my net cast wide for the future:
"Eredani's right, Shukir.
Sorry, but I'm not ready to sell information from Uldaron just yet. I should
study the market first, otherwise I'll be underselling myself."
"A thousand gold right now for
the full video from the tower!" Shukir had lost his patience.
The negotiation was back on. I
pretended to be looking for support from Eredani, and unexpectedly noticed the
shadow of a smirk flit across my congener's face. It was fleeting, barely
noticeable, but so articulate that the answer came to me instantly.
"Get outta here! Ten for the
whole thing, not a penny less."
"Are you out of your mind?!
Where did you get a price like that from? I'll give you fifteen hundred for the
lot. That's for your eyes!" Shukir was seething. It was time to make a
concession, otherwise the whole deal would break down.
"Three thousand, but only for
the clip of what Uldaron told me. That's my final offer. I'm not going to
haggle myself into a loss." I wasn't best pleased with myself, and waved a
hand to drive home the point.
"Deal!" Shukir threw me a
clipboard viewer. Bloody hell! Three thousand gold for a few seconds of video!
Had everyone gone nuts? I'd have to put in thirteen hours a day for two weeks
to earn that sort of money. What was happening in people's heads that they were
prepared to pay so much for a chunk of computer code? The most important thing
now was to keep a lid on my jubilation.
I didn't even have to cut Uldaron out
– the system did it automatically. I just needed to check the excerpt didn't
include anything unpaid for, and press the Exchange button. Slightly short of
three thousand entered my account – the Bank was fastidious in regard to its
two percent – and the system made a suggestion:
New specialization available: Trade
Your ability to drive a hard bargain is impressive! You are a true trader.
Every specialization point increases your discount with NPC-traders from 0.1 %
right up to 50 %.
Accept! As a potential clan chief,
this specialization was compulsory.
"You?!" roared Shukir
after looking at the video. The system obligingly censored the player's vocal
outrage which followed. "Where's the information about levelling up?"
"That's all the boss told
me," I replied nonchalantly. Of course the advice to "Gain the upper
hand over the archdemon" wasn't worth three thousand gold, but I wanted to
teach Shukir a lesson. If you're going to manipulate people, you must be
prepared to be manipulated yourself.
"Give me my money back, you
bastard!" demanded Shukir. It was verging on the orgasmic to observe his
ire-distorted face.
"The terms of our verbal
agreement have been fulfilled, and you've received all the information. If you
have any objections, refer them to a lawyer." I could be quite headstrong
when the need took me. "If you don't require any more information, I won't
presume to detain you further and distract you from the game. Have a nice
I turned around and unhurriedly
entered the newbie course. Shukir tried to stop me, yelling threats of divine
retribution, but it fell on deaf ears since I had no intention of returning the
money. The troublemaker didn't have access to the course, so he couldn't hound
me there. Eventually things quietened down – the Phoenixes representative had
been making a lot of noise. Although no, I was still being shadowed. Eredani
stood beside me and, his eyes on everyone training, announced, "I want my
cut. I reckon I'm due half."
I'd been expecting it ever since
he'd come over and tried to help. I turned silently and expectantly towards
"Everyone around here knows
Shukir," he said. "And his business. After your tussle with the demon
on the tower, I knew he'd latch on to you. Everyone knows you're a newbie in
Barliona, down to the last deer. When I saw you were going to milk him, I
decided to help out a bit. You wouldn't have been able to finagle him out of
three thousand on your own. He's not stupid, but he is a tightwad. The least
you could do is return the favor."
"So that's your game," I
said. The first time we spoke, I'd taken Eredani for a reasonable guy.
Evidently I'd been too impressed by his agreement. Matt was right – Barliona
had changed. If before people had played for the enjoyment, now it was for the
money. Everyone wanted to make a profit, and preferably at the expense of others.
"Sorry, Victor. I didn't ask
for your help. Plus you nearly ruined the entire negotiation. Newbie doesn't
mean idiot. If you think I owe you, there's a Dispute Settlement button in
settings. The lawyers will sort it out. Good luck in the game!"
"So you're not going to give me
my share and earn my goodwill?" Eredani had lost all sense of proportion.
It wasn't a nice feeling to be wrong about people.
"What do I need with someone so
generous?" I asked sarcastically.
"I suppose you don't," he
agreed and backed down. "Good luck in the game."
Dismissing the tiefling, I went to
find the supervisor. Gurt was standing by some sparring dummies and looking
impatiently in my direction. The instant I reached him, he boomed, "You
took your time! Invoke the demon!"
The Invoke Demon button began to
flash, like a prompt for retards. One click and Aniram appeared. An animated
buzz from the direction of the simulators indicated the archdemoness had been
spotted, but she paid no attention to the folks around her. Her hate-filled
gaze was fixed on me alone. Her hands and feet were manacled by a white cloud,
so, unable to get her claws into me, she was trying to burn through me with her
eyes. Poor NPC! If only she knew how often I had to put up with looks like that
in the real world! Especially when I had to remove someone from a project
because of their incompetence.
"Traitor! You will be cursed
and banished from the Abyss!" Getting no reaction to her stare, Aniram had
to add some big words. The orc peevishly screwed up his face – the demoness's
voice enabled debuffs. They had no effect on the tiefling, but everyone else in
the vicinity got an unpleasant earful.
"Tell her to shut up,"
said Gurt, retreating from us and drinking a white liquid from a flask. I
specifically sought out the orc to see the result – the debuffs disappeared as
if by magic. I assessed my abilities and pursed my lips, dissatisfied – not one
of them allowed me to control the conscious of the subjugated demon. I decided
to follow the old-fashioned route, and said:
"Don't open your mouth unless
ordered to do so!"
"I'll tear out your heart and
ram it down your throat! And without any orders from you!" Aniram didn't
bat an eyelid. "You'll be begging me for death! Mother will reward
No new debuffs appeared. So that was
how Demon Retribution worked! Aniram hadn't attacked me, but everyone else, to damage me in training. In confirmation of
this, a countdown timer appeared in the upper part of my viewer: Minimum time
to next diversion. I chuckled – it would seem my "pet" had a mind.
What was the point of creating a diversion if I was ready for it? She would
save up her strength for thirty minutes and then strike when I was least
expecting it. It didn't exactly make for a comfortable game.
"Select a dummy and perform a
Demon Strike," ordered Gurt, reeling from the debuff.
The next button began to flash on
the panel, and several of the dummies closest to me lit up in white. I knew the
game was played by people with varying levels of education, but such detailed
prompts were excessive. Highlighting the nearest target, I pressed the button.
Aniram bent over backwards, and a dark cloud burst from her breast. It flew
towards me and into my hands, arousing a feeling of oneness. Memories of the
warm lava and Ireness's soft voice zipped through my head. My body reacted,
quaking in ecstasy, something it had sorely missed. My fingers tensed
spasmodically, and at that moment a snow-white flourish struck the dummy. Task
progress: one out of five. The buttons flashed again, making me go into
settings. Of course! The Newbie parameter was selected in Game Regime. By
default, Barliona tried as much as possible to guard people against thinking,
doing everything for them. I selected "lower than average", and the
flashing ceased. That was more like it! Completing the remaining strikes was no
problem. Aniram put up no resistance, and didn't try to stitch me up; she just
bent over and gave me part of her demon essence.
Demon Strike training task completed
gained +6, until next level – 994
with Light of Barliona faction increased by 3
I was seriously distressed at the
damage I'd caused. Demon Strike was a magic ability, and given that my
Intellect was lower than low, and I had no magic weapons, twelve Damage points
was not easy on the eye. Were I to lock horns with even a level-one player with
a hundred Health points, I would have to use the ability ten or so times. In
that time any half savvy player would tear me to shreds and still have time to
toast some bread over the fire. Conclusion – don't engage in open PvP without
being properly kitted out. The bonus from the basic commercial account
increased Experience by one point and Reputation by two. I was itching to buy
myself a Boosting Gem, but no sooner had I opened the in-game store and seen
the prices, than the desire evaporated all by itself. Spending that sort of
money just then was stupid.
Reference information
speed and Boosting Gems
Training speed – The
parameter determining how quickly a player gains Experience. A coefficient
increasing Experience. Default setting 0 %. Increases due to obtainment of a
special Boosting Gem. At any one time a player may have only one Gem.
Boosting Gem – An
object increasing the speed of training. Can be obtained only from the game
administration. May not be resold to another player. Types of Gem and prices:
· Gem +10 %,
minimum +1 experience.
Price: 1050 gold
· Gem +20 %, minimum +2 experience. Price: 2100 gold
· Gem +30 %, minimum +4 experience. Price: 3150 gold
· Gem +40 %, minimum +6 experience. Price: 4200 gold
· Gem +50 %, minimum +8 experience. Price: 5250 gold
"If you train hard and always
use your abilities, you'll grow into a worthy demon hunter!" Gurt
officially signed off on my task, and returned to the other recruits. The orc's
words struck me as strange, and I opened my character window. Indeed, five
Demon Strikes had increased my Intellect by five points, one for each strike.
995 more strikes and I would increase my Intellect by one point. How freaking
simple! I had to hammer away at a dummy for half a year in order to bump up a
characteristic to a more or less respectable value!
I dismissed Aniram, but the
countdown to the next diversion didn't stop. More bad news. I couldn't do
anything to my pet, I couldn't freeze the timer, and I couldn't use my
abilities without a demon. Too many "I couldn'ts". Deciding to see
what this would lead to, I went over to the simulators to polish up my moves. I
got so caught up in the feeling of control over my own body that I lost track
of time. I hated running, jumping, and squatting in reality – my unwieldy body
and shortness of breath constantly resisted my desire to exercise. There was
nothing like that here. I literally flew through the simulators, and the logic
of our actions became clear – a demon hunter had to be quick and agile in order
to escape danger. We weren't supposed to get mixed up in open conflict with
enemies. Our core rotation was: leap away from opponent, keep opponent at a
distance, constantly batter opponent with Demon Strikes. No Leeroy Jenkins
The next two hours I spent working
honestly on completing tests. Fortunately for me, Marcon the Spoiled didn't
content himself with seven tests out of ten, and stayed on to practice the last
three. I shadowed him on the machines, trying to remember each movement, but
then he suddenly disappeared to reality. His character faded away right in the
middle of a test, as a result of which myself and the rest of the brethren
following him all fell to the ground. Some sooner, some later, but everyone
collapsed. I was the first. My Agility scale rose to 748, and I at last felt
depleted. No physical fatigue, only mental. At the end of the day, repeating
the same thing over and over is hard work. I needed to switch off, so I decided
to take a stroll around the training camp, but as soon as I exited the assault
course, my body was seized by that familiar chill.
"You again! Smell the
light!" Braksed was once again ensconced in his battle station next to our
course. I ignored his cloying odium, far more concerned as I was with the state
of Eredani, who was lying on the ground, wheezing, hunched over in a most
unnatural position, and tearing at his chest with his fingers. Braksed laughed,
pleased with the result, and that was the last straw. I was no great
philanthropist, but I couldn't stand open travesties of justice. I couldn't
damage the player directly, but Braksed himself had given me a fantastic idea.
Aniram, my dear, enter!
"What the hell?!" The elf
stood transfixed. The archdemoness's spectacular entrance did not go unnoticed.
Her wings spread wide, Aniram hovered above me, intent on flattening me like a
bug as soon as the light of Eluna touched her. It still hadn't occurred to the
aggressor to switch off the Drop of Light.
"I will drink your soul! I will
make you pray for death!" Her target had suddenly changed. I wasn't going
anywhere, so her priority was now to rid herself of the Light she so hated. A
deafening crack, an earthquaking tremble, and all around was rent with the wild
shrieks of a pack of lower demons. Aniram had called up six canine beasts, and
pointing her wings at Braksed she roared, "Kill!"
The dogs rushed to obey the order,
and the noise from the camp was joined by two abominable sounds: the wail of
the security system, and the cries of Braksed being torn apart. A player's pet,
just like a player himself, could do nothing to an opponent, but this
restriction did not extend to invoked animals. A shadow flickered and the pack
was dust. Drill sergeant Tarlin was the first to reach ground zero, but it was
too late – Braksed lay prostrate, one Health point to his name, emitting
toe-curling screams. The lowlifes had had a splendid romp, and pointed out
Braksed's need to visit a sales office to decrease his pain threshold. The
player was so panicked he hadn't even thought of exiting virtuality, exposing
himself to the demons' jaws.
The satisfied Aniram folded her
wings, devoured me with a bloodthirsty look and, spraying everything around
with her hatred, spat, "You're next, traitor!"
Tarlin frowned, and I hurried to get
the archdemoness out of harm's way. If he killed her, I would have to dive into
the Abyss again, something I wasn't burning with desire to do.
"Pick up Eredani and follow
me," ordered Tarlin. "You attacked a Free citizen. Punishment awaits
Upgrades gained
gained: +6, until next level: 988
with Light of Barliona faction increased by 3
Yeah right! What were the bonuses
Release - August 8, 2019
Pre-order here -
Find out more about the series in interview with Vasily Mahanenko
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