Thursday, May 30, 2019

Invasion LitRPG series by Vasily Mahanenko

Invasion by Vasily Mahanenko
Book 1: A Second Chance

Release - August 8, 2019

Find out more about the series in interview with Vasily Mahanenko

Reality is cruel. The rising level of technological development has led to a rising level of unemployment. They're laying off everybody, from teachers to technical servicemen. What's the point of holding onto a person if they can be replaced by an advanced mechanism? But what are the people to do? How are they to live? Where are they to get money from? There is only one answer – Barliona! The official government project is gathering steam, luring more and more people into its net. Who knows how people will behave when they lose everything?
Brody West is one such person. Unlike most, he doesn't lose heart. A professional project manager with thirty years in the business simply cannot do that. He has a goal, and a clear understanding of how to achieve it. Nobody can get in his way – not the new class, not the strange friend, and not the unexpected foes.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Vasily Mahanenko: Shaman is the worst cheater of 'em all

Simon Vale talked to Vasily Mahanenko about writing LitRPG, being a literary agent, getting back to Barliona (with his new series - a direct continuation of The Way of the Shaman) and Galactogon 3. 

Have you read anything interesting just lately?

Recently, I organized two literary contests: a fantasy and a LitRPG, so now I'm busy reading the works sent in for the former. There was a very strong manuscript among them, amazingly so. I think it's going to win. It's a powerful work at the same level as Abercrombie. It does drag out a bit, but I've already contacted the author and he agreed that the book requires some editing in order to pick up the pacing. He's already busy with this, so I hope that very soon we might have a translation-ready manuscript. The moment I started reading it, I realized that all my efforts organizing the contest hadn't been for nothing. I'd never have found this manuscript otherwise. It just doesn't show up in online fiction rankings.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Level Up: Knockout von Dan Sugralinov & Max Lagno

Level Up: Knockout
von Dan Sugralinov und Max Lagno

Veröffentlichung am 1. August 2019

Kapitel 1. Die Halluzination

„Früher war ich auch ein Abenteurer, aber dann habe ich einen Pfeil ins Knie bekommen.“


OBWOHL Mike Björnstad Hagen zum Teil skandinavischer Abstammung war, besaß er so viel Ähnlichkeit mit einem Wikinger wie ein Chihuahua mit einer Dänischen Dogge. Er hatte eine Reihe von Spitznamen wie „Heulsuse Mikey“, „Micker-Mikey“, „Mikey, das Weichei“ oder sogar „Hey, du Schwanzlutscher!“ Niemand hatte ihn jemals „Mr. Hagen“ genannt.
Das einzige Mal, dass das beinahe passiert wäre, war bei einem Termin in seiner Bank, als Hagen versuchte, einen Hypothekenkredit aufzunehmen. „Tut mir so leid, Mr. Hagen, aber Ihr Kreditantrag ist abgelehnt worden“, sagte der Mann hinter dem Tresen, ohne auch nur zu versuchen, sich sein selbstgefälliges Grinsen zu verkneifen.
Mike hätte ihm mit Vergnügen die Fresse poliert, wenn er nur gewusst hätte, wie man kämpft.