Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Nächstes Level: Neustart von Dan Sugralinov

Ein Roman
von Dan Sugralinov

Release - March 25, 2019

„Ein sehr gutes Buch. In den fünf Stunden, in denen ich es gelesen habe, existierte in meinem Leben nichts anderes mehr!“ – Vasily Mahanenko

„Enorm motivierend! Temporeich und leicht zu lesen. Das war die schlaflose Nacht wert. Und jetzt geht es weiter mit Buch 2!“ – Alexey Osadchuk

„Ein Autor im Genre der Rollenspiel-Literatur sieht sich der herausfordernden Aufgabe eines Drahtseilakts zwischen der tristen Normalität der Alltagsroutine und den fantastischen Abenteuern des Helden gegenübergestellt. Und letztere könnten sich als zu unrealistisch herausstellen, um einen skeptischen Leser zu überzeugen. In diesem Buch jedoch hat Sugralinov diesen Drahtseilakt erfolgreich gemeistert!” – Michael Atamanov

Phil ist dreißig Jahre alt, arbeitslos und leidenschaftlicher Gamer. Seine einzige Einnahmequelle ist das Schreiben von Artikeln – wenn er genügend Inspiration verspürt, um seinen alles andere als beliebten Blog zu bereichern. Kein Wunder also, dass er Probleme hat, über die Runden zu kommen. Seine Frau hat ihn gerade verlassen - ohne Geld, ohne Lebenssinn und ohne Essen im Kühlschrank.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Der Weg eines NPCs: Toter Schurke von Pavel Kornev

Toter Schurke

von Pavel Kornev

Der Weg eines NPCs
Buch Nr. 1

Release - April 25

In virtuellen Welten herrscht grenzenlose Freiheit. Man kann sich nach Lust und Laune in einen Elfenzauberer oder einen unsichtbaren Schurken verwandeln, sich einem Clan anschließen und auf Raubzug gehen, kämpfen, den eigenen Charakter weiterentwickeln und vor allen Dingen dem Alltagstrott entkommen.

Ein Spiel ist allerdings nur dann ein Spiel, wenn man jederzeit aufhören kann. Das musste ich am eigenen Leib erfahren. Eigentlich wollte ich mich in der virtuellen Realität lediglich etwas ablenken, doch ich wurde ermordet und im Körper eines Untoten gefangen — langsam, schwerfällig und dazu verdammt, wieder und wieder durch die Hand anderer Spieler zu sterben.

Aus dieser schrecklichen Lage gab es nur einen Ausweg: Ich musste die legendäre Schriftrolle der Wiedergeburt zu finden. Doch das war nur möglich, wenn aus dem hilflosen, pestverseuchten Leichnam eine echte Kampfmaschine wurde. Niemand kann sich vorstellen, was man alles durchmacht, wenn man einen toten Schurken hochleveln will …

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Disgardium: Class-A Threat by Dan Sugralinov

Disgardium by Dan Sugralinov
Book 1: Class-A Threat

Release - April 22, 2019

Chapter 1. Sandbox

For my birthday, my parents got me an Infinitum 8. Not a very expensive model of immersion pod, but one of the best in its class. It was the present I wanted most for my fourteenth birthday because that is the age you can finally start playing the coolest and most popular game on the planet – Disgardium.
As soon as the birthday party was over and the guests were gone, dad smiled:
"Can't wait to test it out?"
I nodded. How could I!? An immersion pod is not some steam-powered VR-helmet with sensors gloves!
"Go on then, Alex," mom said and laughed, embracing dad.
"Don't go in too long your first time!" he shouted after me. "Alex?"
"Yes, dad!"

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Respawn Trials: Edge of the Abyss by Andrei Livadny

Respawn Trials, Book I:
Edge of the Abyss
by Andrei Livadny

Release - April 10, 2019

The Legend of the Guardians states: One who is pure of heart and desperately needs help, will always receive it.

 Chapter 1

The unexpected phone call came late in the evening. I was still awake and answered at once. "Hey. What's going on?"
My nephew and I got along pretty well, although he hadn't called or visited as often over the last few years. He'd all grown up. He had his own life now.
He said hello and then proceeded to breathe heavily into the phone without even asking after my health.
"Denis, why don't you get to the point?" 
"I need your help."
"Tell me," I said as I limped over to the window. The street was obscured by an autumn drizzle. The edge of the metropolis had crept right up to the village and the low clouds were snagging on the tips of the rising skyscrapers. The old house that I had inherited from my parents would soon be slated for demolition, and there was nothing I could do about it.
"I've been invited to join an expedition. For three months. Somebody needs to keep an eye on the apartment... I've also found a side job, you see, a pretty good one. I don't want to lose it."
"Any more details? Where's the expedition heading to? What kind of job? Of course, it's no trouble for me to water the plants and feed the cat."
"I don't have a cat, you know that! The work's simple, from home. Nothing heavy. You'll fix your health up, too."

Monday, January 14, 2019

Adam Online: Absolute Zero by Max Lagno

Adam Online: Absolute Zero 
by Max Lagno

Release March 18, 2019

Chapter 1. Death and Oblivion

A RED MESSAGE appeared on the projection screen:

Radiological hazard. K-coefficient — 20%%%%%
Assessing radiological environment...

At that the system froze, displaying a spinning wheel. Either the readings were too complex, or the on-board computer had failed.
My traveling companion put aside the tablet on which he had been watching idiotic stand-up shows for the whole flight. For a full hour and a half, I'd been forced to listen to loud cackling and jokes in Tatar, Russian and Chinese. They were just as bad in every language. I even started getting annoyed that the cabin's soundproofing shielded us from the sound of the rotors. Their whirring would have been better than those attempts at humor.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Final Trial (Level Up +3) by Dan Sugralinov

Level Up +3
The Final Trial
by Dan Sugralinov

Release - March 25, 2019


Hearing's the first thing to go. Or is it memory, I always forget.

My name is Philip Panfilov. I'm 32 years old, but I’ve really only felt alive for the last three months. Before that, I just bobbed about like a turd in a fishing hole: I ate, drank, played the most massive online game that existed at the time, and was even married. I picked up cash working as a freelancer. I wrote a blog and was writing a book. And I drank beer— lots of beer, almost every night.
By the time I was married for four years, I'd gained so much weight from the drinking that I couldn’t tie my shoes and the mirror disease had reached a critical point. That’s when my wife Yanna decided she’d had enough, and she up and left me.
That same day I started seeing the world differently.