Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Bard from Barliona 2

The Bard from Barliona - 2
A Song of Shadow

release - November 19
pre-order here - Amazon

Chapter One

Re-entering Barliona turned out harder than I imagined. My fingers trembled as they reached for the capsule’s sensors. My memory unkindly replayed the terrible agony I’d experienced during the changing of my alignment. It wasn’t right. Who came up with the idea of torturing players like that? Or was this supposed to be a particular ‘penalty’ for switching to the dark side? A tacit punishment for choosing the faction of the gameworld’s villains? And if so, what would I face later?
As soon as I slid into the capsule, the first thing I did was carefully double-check the sensory filter settings. Everything was as before—a pain threshold of 10%. After a couple seconds’ hesitation, I turned this down to five percent. Realism is good and all, but I think I’ve had enough. More than enough.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

History of the Galaxy - 3: Servobattalion

History of the Galaxy, Book 3
by Andrei Livadny

Release - October 22

Didn't read the series? Start with Book 1


22 August 2627 Earth Years. 
Hammer's Line.
The sultry, overcast midday on Vesuvius was lit up by a multitude of eruptions.
The air was unbreathable, poisoned by the volcanic emissions, and the sky, like a gray sheet, hung low and reflected the crimson of the fiery chaos below.
The world laid out below the oppressive sky appeared unfit for human life but the war had changed many of the suitability criteria.
Vesuvius was not just colonized but densely populated with the industrial bases of the Terran Alliance located here, which repaired the technology damaged in the fighting. Through an anomaly in space, damaged spaceships were towed from sites of battle into orbit around the planet, and were then brought down to the surface using special technical carriers. There were also plenty of transports carrying broken servomachines, with some to be repaired and some intended for disassembly into spare parts.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Kräutersammler der Finsternis: Der Videospieltester (LitRPG)

Kräutersammler der Finsternis - 1

Der Videospieltester

Ein Roman von Michael Atamanov

The book is released 

Der Videospieltester

„HABEN SIE schon einmal Reich ohne Grenzen gespielt?“, eröffnete der HR-Mitarbeiter mittleren Alters das Vorstellungsgespräch mit ausgerechnet der Frage, die ich am meisten gefürchtet hatte.
Laut Stellenanzeige musste ich unbedingt eine Anforderung erfüllen: Ich durfte das Spiel noch nie gespielt haben. Wenn ich die Frage mit „ja“ beantwortete, würde das Gespräch vermutlich so schnell beendet sein wie es begonnen hatte.
„Spielen Sie irgendwelche anderen bekannten Spiele, äh … Timothy?“, fragte er, nachdem er meinen Namen auf dem Bildschirm vor sich gelesen hatte. Er schien einen langen Tag hinter sich zu haben und war bestimmt müde.
„Ja, natürlich. Ich bin seit ungefähr sechs Jahren ein Gamer. Ich habe ziemlich lange Königreiche der Schwerter und Magie gespielt.“
„Gamer“, murmelte er geringschätzig und runzelte die Stirn. Der umgangssprachliche Ausdruck schien ihm nicht zu gefallen. „Und wie haben Sie sich im Spiel unserer Konkurrenz geschlagen? Haben Sie besondere Leistungen erbracht, Timothy?“

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Reality Benders - 3: Game Changer by Michael Atamanov

Reality Benders, Book 3
Game Changer
by Michael Atamanov

Release Septmebr 24, 2018
Pre-order at: Amazon, iTunes, Google, Kobo
Free chapters from book 1 & book 2

Introduction. Enemy Plans

Pa-lin-thu, capital of the First Directory
Palace of Coruler Thumor-Anhu La-Fin
Small Council Chamber

"Consequently, honorable Coruler Thumor-Anhu La-Fin, our strategists have also deemed that plan a flop. Our troops would get bogged down in the enemy defenses and be unable to achieve their objectives in anything resembling a reasonable timeframe. We would completely lose the element of surprise. Then, our enemy would reinforce, and it would all be over."
With a wave of his hand, the young Mage-Diviner Mac-Peu Un-Roi dismissed the hovering helper drone that had been giving him cues for his speech. He then gave a bow of respect to his leader and rejoined the dozens of other advisors, allowing the Coruler to see the map and think things over at his leisure. The great mage Thumor-Anhu La-Fin, one of humanity’s three Corulers, was feeling peevish today and, with each subsequent report, his face went gloomier and gloomier. But this time, he had no criticism. Despite Advisor Mac-Peu Un-Roi’s young age, he was considered one of the most talented soothsayers of modern times. He was so renowned for his deep multilayered analysis of the lines of fate that his predictions were simply taken at face value.