Thursday, September 24, 2020

Der Okkultist von Oliver Mayes

Saga Online-1
Der Okkultist
von Oliver Mayes

Das Buch wird am 12. November veröffentlicht

Ein Charakter wird erstellt

Damien trat aus der einst von Kultisten heimgesuchten Höhle, nur um festzustellen, dass sein Schicksal besiegelt war. Durch eine Lücke zwischen den Bäumen konnte er sehen, wie die Sonne langsam hinter den weit entfernten Bergspitzen verschwand. Falls es ihm nicht gelingen würde, Concoret vor Einbruch der Dunkelheit zu warnen, würde es verheerende Folgen haben.

Er setzte seinen Rucksack auf und rannte auf den Wald zu. Das dumpfe Dröhnen seiner Plattenstiefel betonte die ansonsten unheimliche Stille. Er hatte seine Quest abgeschlossen, eines der vielen Kultisten-Verstecke in der Region gefunden und ihre Anzahl dezimiert. Doch unter den Habseligkeiten der Gefallenen hatte er ein Sendschreiben gefunden. Es handelte sich um die Befehle ihres Dunklen Meisters, den nahegelegenen Ort zu infiltrieren und die Seelen der Unschuldigen zu sammeln, während sie schliefen.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

League of Losers-2 by Michael Atamanov

League of Losers-2
by Michael Atamanov
In Service of the Pharaoh

Pre-order on Amazon
Release - December 3, 2020

Chapter One. Invisible Swordmaiden


The Abandoned Veich Village of Ori-Tavi

Sherkh Outpost, Guild Eastern Garrison

Clan Leader’s Tent



“They’re gone?”

Avelia Un Ponar, respectfully down on one knee before her leader, nodded silently. Yes, the group of thirty humans from the river village really had gone beyond the barrier. And the Swordmaiden had no doubt that her all-knowing guild leader, level 78 Shadow Master Al’tair Un Ponar, already knew the answer to his question. The leader’s next words confirmed it.

“What was that chaos at the forcefield? Why did you interfere in human affairs?”

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Range: The Keepers of Limbo by Yuri Ulengov

The Range, book 1
The Keeper of  Limbo
by Yuri Ulengov

Pre-order on Amazon
Release - December 14, 2020

Chapter 1

Earth Federation, Orion System. Rhapsody, Sector 3 of the Gray Zone—conditionally safe zone of the Range. Drop-off zone.

The rescue pod hit the ground so hard that for a moment I lost consciousness and my guts nearly jumped out of my throat. Hey, at least I wasn’t blown to pieces. I could have been. If the engine turned off ten seconds earlier, I would be dead meat by now.
Technically, the brake engine should be running until the landing is completed. Technically, the pod should have been scrapped long ago. And it was—with me in it. The mechanics responsible for the drop-off don’t give a shit about the passenger’s wellbeing, and wasting fuel to ensure a soft landing for someone like me…? As one of my cynical friends would say, “Forget about it!”
After hitting the ground, the pod jumped up and bounced from rock to rock like a frog. The safety system, of course, had been shut off. Dangling from the belts (thank God they hadn’t been removed!), I clenched my teeth, trying not to bite off my tongue, and prayed for only one thing: that the next hit wouldn’t be fatal. Whether my prayers were heard or whether I just got lucky—I’m not sure but I survived. The pod, deformed and twisted into a smashed can, finally stopped. Wasting no time, I began to untangle myself from the belts. In theory, there was nothing in the pod that could explode but there were other dangers beyond just fire.
“Welcome to the Range!” an AR greeting flashed before my eyes.