Wednesday, October 17, 2018

New LitRPG - Level Up: The Knockout

Level Up: The Knockout
by Dan Sugralinov and Max Lagno

Release - January 9, 2019

Chapter One. The Hallucination.


I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee.

EVEN THOUGH Mike Björnstad Hagen was partly of Scandinavian extraction, he resembled a Viking roughly the same way a Chihuahua resembles a Great Dane. He had a variety of nicknames such as Crybaby Mikey, Little Mikey, Mikey the Wimp, or even Hey, you cocksucker! No one has ever referred to him as Mr. Hagen.
The only time it almost happened was during a visit to a bank Mike had visited once in hope of getting a mortgage loan.I'm so sorry, Mr. Hagen, but your loan request has not been approved, said the man behind the counter without so much as trying to refrain from grinning smugly.
Mike would have smashed his face gladly if he only knew how to fight.
A home... A dream of a home of his own, one he could share with little Jessie, was all that had kept him going for three years. Then Jessica had deserted him for a trucker thug from Arizonaor was it Texas? At that point, it didn't really matter anymore.