Reality Benders by Michael Atamanov
Book 1: Countdown
Release - April 23, 2018
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Introduction. First Contact
How many ways have writers, astronomers, philosophers and military
theorists imagined humanity's first contact with a celestial intelligence?
Earth’s observatories
receiving intelligible signals from deep space? What about the discovery of
interstellar artifacts or even living aliens when excavating ancient burial
mounds or pyramids? And the appearance of ominous extraterrestrial starships
over our major cities? Heavenly bodies falling to Earth, UFO's crashing? Meeting
brothers in intelligence on far-off planets? Invasion? War? The extinction of
everything alive...?
But when it really happened, it looked like a stupid joke, hoax or
intrusive advertisement, so humanity didn’t believe it was the real First
Contact. One day, a popup window appeared on many popular websites, blocking
off the whole screen. Despite every computer user’s habitual and instant
reaction, it was impossible to close. It played a video showing a furry
humanoid that was somehow distantly reminiscent of the abominable snowman, but
with thick dark-red fur. The tall bipedal alien had piercing black eyes, a flat
dark nose and a wide mouth. Its clothing was somewhere between a suit of armor
and a helmetless spacesuit. The first thing it did was raise a clawed hand and
give a friendly wave to its captive audience. With a very strong accent, the
humanoid gave a speech adapted to the language of the receiving country:
"People of Earth,
by right of first discovery, the civilization of Shiharsa declares its
authority and jurisdiction over your planet. We will provide one Tong of safety
to your world, but the fate of humanity depends exclusively on what you do with
that time. You have now made sufficient progress as a species, and may take
part in the great game, the game that bends reality. So, come play and earn the
right to take your place among the great spacefaring races!”